Monday, 30 November 2020

Crafty Help Required xx

Click the Crafty Help Required to go to the post to find out how to help :) Thank You xxx

Afternoon Crafty Folks,

My Mum is 70 on the 30th of December. I am trying to make her birthday extra special, with it being a big number one and also the fact that her amazing Celebratory break has been cancelled due to covid :( 

I would love to have lots of cards for her to open on her birthday and would like folks to send one when they are popping their festive makes in the post. 

If you would like to help me out please email me (didosdesigns with Hazels Mums Birthday in the Subject line and I will send you my snail mail addy for them to be stashed till the big day. 

Mum often looks at my blog but If I tell her not to just now she will think its because Ive shared their Christmas card :) 

Thank You so much in Advance,

Love and Sparkles,

Hazel xx


Pamela said...

That’s a lovely thing to do for her. I’m in the middle of making my Christmas cards but if I get chance I’ll see if I can make one. Will let you know.

cuilliesocks said...

Hi Hazel, what a lovely idea and I'm happy to make a card for your Mum. I'll be emailing you soon, Kate x

Margarets designer cards said...

Lovely idea, I will see what I can do

Bunny said...

I would love to post one of to her. How sweet it will be if everyone could take time from their busy schedule to make her day. I'll e-mail you. [Bunny]

Mrs A. said...

I have two box loads of cards so happy to oblige. Hugs Mrs A.

Seafield Jo said...

What a lovely idea.

Jo x