Saturday 22 June 2024

Ive been Busy!!!

  Hi Everyone,

I have been a very busy bunny in the craft room the last couple of months!!! I had a big birthday at the end of May so decided that I would like a craft room that all matched and not one with bits from here and there for it. 

Ive  crafted for 20 years. It started with the dressing table in the bedroom. Then a corner of the living room once we moved here. Then once my eldest moved out I now have the little bedroom for all my crafty loveliness.

Here are a couple of my before and after pics. 
I had a mishap with the lampshade when I was cleaning it so now I need to get a new one. Hence just the bright daylight bulb in the top pic. 

The majority of the new things are from Ikea. I used Pinterest for lots of ideas and this is what I came up with. My palace theatre poster was a present from Tom last year. Its from a 1974 Doctor Who story.

I love it. Now I just need to get back to crafting more. I am about to make Dads birthday card this weekend. 

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the brighter days. I think we have had rain almost every day since last October. The garden is very green but it would be nice to see summer now, 

Love and Sparkles,

Hazel x
Wednesday 17 April 2024

More Snowman Colouring...

Hi Everyone, 
Welcome back to my wee bit of blogland. I hope everyone is doing ok. Hasnt it turned cold again. I would love to see some better spring weather soon. 

I was playing with my pencils and this wee guy was already printed out so wanted to see how they worked on this paper I found while looking for other paper I have stored away safely!! So safely I couldn't find it until I was taking the pics of this card and it was with all the props for photos!!! 
He is from the same set as my last card. Its a Pink Petticoat Design from 2014! Sorry there is no links to either Pink Petticoat or Lizs store from later now.
Card Recipe
5 x 5 Kraft Card
Holographic card for matting
Pink Petticoat Snowman.
Coloured with Prismacolour Pencils
Posca Black and White pens for highlights and faux Stitching
Stickles Glitter Glue.

Thats all for tonight from me. 

Stay Safe,

Love and Sparkles,

Hazel xx

Challenges I would like to enter are...
Fab and Funky -Add a Sentiment.
ABC Christmas Challenge - H for Hats.

Saturday 6 April 2024

Monochrome Christmas...

Hi Everyone, 

Welcome to my wee bit of blogland.  Im back again this week with number 2 of the 2024 chrimbo makes. I decided I am going to get cracking with the makes as once the weather is better I will be out in the garden painting rather than playing in the craft room!!! The painting is sadly not happy crafty fun out there. I have a new fence as the old one blew down in the last of the storms so it needs a good paint. Everything else outside that needs painting is sadly needing done too. Last summer was lost here with lots of other stuff going on so didnt have time to do it.
I love my promarkers. I Said in my last post that I really struggle with my copics so it was a joy to get the pros out for this wee guy.  Hes about 10 years old as I was looking on a USB for something else and came across his file. Hes from Pink Petticoat. Later known as The Lovely Studio. I cant find Liz on the internet now  :( Her image's and papers were amazing!!!!  
Card Recipe
A6 Card
Digi Stamp - Pink Petticoat.
Inside Sentiment - Crafters Companion.
Coloured with Promarkers.
Stickles Glitter Glue
Glossy Accents for His shiny Nose. 
Wink of Stella glitter silver on his belt.

Im off to have some lunch now and then hopefully the day will have brightened. It was snow near here yesterday and it was very cold again. Really isnt like spring at all. 

Stay Safe Folks,

Love and Sparkle's,

Hazel xx

Challenges I would like to enter are...
Passion for Markers - Monochrome. 
Simply Clean and Simple - CAS with Weather 
CD Sunday - Digital Image

Tuesday 2 April 2024

First Christmas Make of 2024!!

Hi Everyone, 

WOW its certainly April shower's here in Scotland. They forgot to turn the tap off though and its permanent showers!!!! Since October I think we have had about 3 days without rain!!! Hope you all have much better weather.

I made a plan last month that I would try to make at least 1 festive card a month till December so I want so stressed out by then!!! So here is number 1. 
I followed a Sandy Allnock You Tube video (Here) Although I didn't have the same stamps or colour of copics. Mine ended up with copics, promarkers and prismacolour pencils on it. Oops!!! 
Card Recipe
Black Card A6.
Clearly Besotted Stamps for Outside.
Inside Sentiment Stamp - Crafters Companion.
Coloured with Copics. Promarkers and Prismacolour pencils
Stickles Glitter Glue.
Posca Pen for white parts. 
Docrafts Red Glue for Rudolph's nose. 

I think I am going to have to admit that I am still definitely a promarker girl. I really struggle with copics. I cant seem to get an almost the same colour but manage perfectly with my pros. Mind you I have used them for about 16 years now!!! Thats mad!!!! Time flies.

Thanks for dropping  by my blog. Stay safe, 
Love and Sparkles,

Hazel xx

Challenges I would love to enter are...
Christmas Kickstart - Santa and his Sidekicks. 

Allsorts - Keep it Simple or Anything Goes  
Monday 18 March 2024

Birthday Make...

Hi Everyone, 
Welcome back to my wee bit of blogland.  I hope you're all doing well this week. Its turned much more like spring here in Scotland although its still very cold at nights. My daffodils are starting to bloom. As long as Teddy and the ball dont go near them and knock the heads off!!!! 
I was making a card for a friends birthday and decided to try and push my comfort zone with this sketch. It did have me muttering under my breath. I love how the card turned out though. I had a HUGE cull of papers and am left with only "good" ones. So its a joy every time I make something. Although I am a bit loathed to cut them!!!! 

Card Recipe
A5 Card
Stampin Up Papers. 
Sentiment and Gold Dots - Craftwork Cards.
Faux Stitching - Black Posca Pen.

Im hoping to try and make at least 1 Christmas card a month now till December. I really dont want to end up doing them like I did last year in a rush and not enjoying myself. Mind you we are coming up to birthday season here!!!! Also its going to be fence painting season too. The last of the bad winter storms knocked all my fence down so the new one is up now. Its gonna take a while to paint it all.

Love and Sparkles,

  Hazel xx

Challenges I would love to enter are...
AAA Birthday Cards - Geometric Birthday.

As You Like it - Monochrome or Colourful and Why.
I love a splash of colours on my makes as it cheers you up seeing the bright colour schemes. I especially love a bit of purple!!
Tuesday 12 March 2024

March Already!!!!

Hi Everyone,

I hope this post finds you all well. This year is fair flying past. I was going to try and post a card every month to my blog but February ran away with me!!! 

Mum wanted a card this last week for an old school friend. So here is the one I did. Well actually this is the 3rd one I did as the other 2 ended up in the bin. I was overtired and over ambitious!!! 

Its a lovely wee CAS make. I did Mums mothers day card too but I forgot to take pics of it. My bloggy brain isnt what it used to be!!

Card Recipe.
5 x 5 Card
Creative Expressions Peony Dies.
Coloured with Promarkers and prismacolour pencils for highlights.
Stamp free from magazine
Gems from stash.  

Im off to visit some blogs and also enter a few challenges. I have another card to be made int he next week so hoping to get that up on here too!! 

Love and Sparkles,

Hazel xx

Challenges I would love to enter are...
Get Creative Challenge - Sing a Song. (Happy Birthday to you!) 
The Paper Players - Colour Theme. 

Saturday 6 January 2024

2 Posts in 1 Week!!!


Hi Everyone, 

WOW thats 2 posts in one week and 1 more than I had in 2023!!!  Im going to try and make the effort to do things for me this year and I love crafting and blogging so thats on my list. 

I decided at the start of December I would make a few wee cards!!! Bit late in the day!!!
I made some wee CAS makes as I knew they would be quick and easy to do. I didn't realise how much I need new glasses though as it was a bit sore on the old eyes with some of the tiny images. 

Card Recipe
4 x 4 Cards.
Snowman stamp from Stash.
 Coloured with Prismacolour pencils and Posca Pen for spotty scarf.
Stardust Stickles Glue.
Sentiment Stamp Clearly Besotted.
Lines on card made with a score board.

I dont know who this wee snowman stamp was by. I had a huge tidy and threw out lots of packaging and never thought at the time I would need to remember who my stamps were by!! Silly Cookie!!! 

I hope you have a super weekend. I dont know what we are up to. Ive got a few wee DIY projects on the go so will probably be doing part of one of those. Its either all or nothing here with tasks!!! 

Love and Sparkles,

Hazel xx

Challenges I would like to enter are...
Alphabet Challenge - T is for Texture.
Krafty Chicks - Use Stamps

Friday 5 January 2024

Creative Creases Guest Designer....

 Hi Everyone, 

Happy 2024!!! Wishing you all good health and happiness for the coming year. Its a wee January miracle!!! Ive actually posted on my blog!!!! Ive got another make too for later in the week!!! 

Im here today with a card I made a wee while back for a birthday and also as a Guest Designer for Creative Creases Challenge

I won the challenge at the start of January last year and unfortunately life threw some huge curveballs my way so Im just having my wee turn as the Guest Designer now. Was meant to be way back in June!!! Sorry to the Gang over on Creative Creases for my delay. 
 Here are a couple of different angle shots of my card. 
My make was for my bestie who turned 50 a couple of months back. I got the SVG file for this make over on SVG Cuts.  Its a great wee file as it folds so you can post the make. She loves sunflowers so this was perfect for her.  

I have  used a swiss dots embossing folder on the centres of the flowers to make them more dimensional and also a wood effect embossing folder on for the wood of the crate. I ended the creation with a bit of sparkle as you cant have a card from Didos without a bit of glitter on it!!!! 

Hope everyone is doing well. I will have to have a wee nosy round your blogs. 

Love Hazel xx

Challenges I would like to enter with my make are....
CRAFT Challenge - Anything goes. 
Wednesday 8 February 2023

Butterfly Birthday...

 Hi Everyone,

Ive been meaning to post this card here all week but I have no idea where the days vanish to!!!

I hope you have all had a decent start to 2023. Wishing you all a lovely year ahead. Im trying to craft a bit more as it really helps my mental health. Just now I am doing a Udemy Course with Gentleman Crafter and Cal Summers to learn how to make a scrapbook using my scan and cut. Im about half way through. The plan is to make it a Teddys first year book once its finished.  We have some fab pics from his first year. Cant believe he's 1 next month He is such a lovely wee doggy.
Card Recipe

 Hunkydory Set called Flight of the Butterflies Platinum Edition.
A5 Cardstock

I love the way the card has foiling on it. It makes it look extra special. I hope the colours look ok on your screens I have a new laptop and the colours look slightly off here but I dont want to mess about with it too much.

Thanks for taking the time to drop by my blog,

Love and Sparkles,

Hazel xx

Challenges I would like to enter are...
Crafty Catz - Anything Goes with Option of Female Birthday
Saturday 10 December 2022

Christmastime 2022...


Hi Everyone,

I hope this blog post finds you all well. Its been so long since I last used my blog and I had forgotten how to do things, so this post has taken a while to do!!! 

I thought I would come on and share one of my very few festive creations with you all. 
Ive not been crafting very much so I have only made a couple of festive cards. This is one of them. Its so sparkly and pretty I just wanted to share it.
Life and illness has really got in the way of crafting this year!!! Heres hoping 2023 is much more creative!!! 
I have just got a huge kallax unit from Ikea so everything in the craft room is in a real guddle!! Its guess where I put everything when I go to craft!!! Silly fibro brain fog makes me forget stuff lots just now!!! 
Ive also got a new little helper!!!! Or hindrance!!!!! Meet Teddy!!!
Teddy moved in in May. 
My beautiful Baby Belle pupper passed away in March after a brave battle with nasal cancer. 
Heres a wee pic of him just after he arrived. Hes a miniature Jack Russell. Hes not that much smaller than Belle was, about an inch littler. Still full of puppy naughty times!!! He will be 9 months old next week.  
What a cutie!! Shame he hated sleeping on his own to begin with!!! 

Anyways on to where I got my card items from...

Off White Cardstock from Amazon.
Red Mirri Card
Crafts U Print Scan and Cut File
Modge Podge Glitter Effect on the flowers.
Pearls from stash

Thanks for dropping by today.  I will try to enter a few challenges. Again, Ive not done this for about a year so forgive me If I get it all mixed up!!! 

Hope you all have a lovely festive season,

Love Hazel xx

Challenges I would like to enter are...
Crafty Catz - Anything Goes with Option of Last Minute Christmas.
Winter Wonderland- Anything Christmas Goes. 
CRAFT Challenge - Christmas.
Krafty Chicks - Christmas
Creative Creases - Anything Goes with a Fun Fold. (Thank You Karen for the heads up about this challenge.)