Monday, 28 February 2011

Hamster Hijack!!!

 Well its Monday so I have taken over this blog!!! (Ha Ha Ha Evil Hamster Laugh)  
For those of you who don't believe that I do this post here I am typing. Boy does it take me ages to run over to the keys I need!!!!
Well I haven't really done much in the way of crafting this week, I have been busy sleeping lots as its been quite cold and I hate the cold so stay in my bed. Also the Peep they Call Didos has been sorting out her craft area so I don't know where she has put stuff.  Might have to wee on her for messing it up!!!

Thought I would show you a picture of me and that big fluffy thing they call Jess. 
She was licking her lips in this picture so my Hazely held onto her sparkly collar thing. Mmm the bling would be good on a card or 100!!!  I also have some food in my wee pouch in this picture so its not the best one of me.  Argh its showing my bum too, it doesn't look too big does it?????
I am off now as I am so tired now from the running over the keyboard.
If you want to see some more of my crafty friends pop over here.
Love and Squeakys 


Lisa Jane said...

oh lol Hazel.. you are definitely mad .. lol
LOve the pic of the pussy cat and the hamster together
Lisa x

Joanne said...

You are such a clever little hamster, Marble. Just keep looking out for that Jess.

pinky said...

LOL Isn't he so clever!!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Marble, you are so clever, doing all that typing all by yourself, and very brave, snuggling up to that Jess. Just make sure Jess plays nicely.

Pami said...

I so look forward to Marbles post every week now!! LOVE IT! Pami x

Gillian said...

Wow, Marble what a great post - you did cheer up my morning. Hope you get out and about again soon so you can find all that crafty stash. Hope you haven't got any naughty thoughts of weeing on that keyboard instead of Hazely Peep, lol x

Nicky said...

So funny love the pictures and the post - what a clever hamster ~ Nicky