Sunday 20 September 2009

5 in 1 Christmas Card!!!

OK OK I have had to do it again, Sorry to all the challenges, I would love to enter singly but with the kids and home life being a bit busy I have had to combine again!
So here are the challenges this card is entering into.
Magical Crafts Forum - Joannes Sketch
Allsorts Challenge - Snowflakes in September
Rainbow Ladies - Christmas with the Stars
Winter Wonderland - Hot Chocolate (he has a wee mug sitting beside him!)
Paper Cutz - Christmas Bling ( Silver mirri card)
Is he not just the cutest wee bear. I just love my FF stuff.
The whole kit comes from my QVC Kit I received the other week. The only extra was the ribbon.
Well its really sunny here today so off to get on with the day. Jake has gone out to play for a bit so hope he expends some energy as he just couldn't sleep last night and so kept Mummy up too. He kept telling me I can't sleep. So by half past 1 this am I was getting a bit ratty at him. Grrrr
Tom is playing dress up and has an "acrobat" on which is really a cravat but he can't call it that!LOL Love it when they get words muddled as its so cute. Jake still calls Squirrels Quirrels!
Have a wonderful Sunday all,
Love Hazelxox


Lorraine A said...

Gorgeous card Hazel :-) the bear is very cute and all the papers and embellies you used are lovely :-)

hope you get a better sleep tonight ! :-)

Lols x x

Teri said...

This is such a sweet, pretty card Hazel, I love it!

Thank you for joining us again at Winter Wonderland.

Teri xx

pinky said...

Gorgeous card Hazel, it really tells a little christmas story, just love it. Hope you get some sleep tonight.

Cazz said...

Oh wow - that card is certainly going to earn its money with all the challenges its been entered for - and there's not 1 person in the world that would moan at you - you have to make the right choice for you xxx

And the card is just gorgeous xxx

As for me, I am loving the scrapbooking and can now incorporate it into card making too :-)

take care of you xxx

cazz xxx

Christine said...

What a fun card Hazel!
The colors work really great together

CraftyC said...

A lovely card Hazel. Cute!!!

brenda said...

Hi Hazel

Understand the time issue only too well, but you have created a very pretty card.

Thank you for joining us at Allsorts this week.

B x

Jules said...

Hi Hazel

A gorgeous card. I too love the FF bears (along with everything else that is cute LOL!!!)

Well done on fitting your creation into so many challenges. That is an art in itself.

Thank you for playing along with Allsorts this week.

Love Jules xx

p.s. I too love the "different words" that kids give to things. Mine are all grown up now - but we still use the words they made up!!! Here's to a good nights sleep x

sophiesmama said...

Hazel, your card is so wonderful! Thank you so much for joining us at Paper Cutz Challenge!

Helen Dooley said...

I love those little bears, their cute.
Pretty card! Thankd for playng at Paper Cutz Challenge.

dolcreations said...

This is such a cute card! Very well done!
I love that bear!

Powerful Search Engine said...

This is so cute Hazel I love the image and your composition. I love nothing more than looking out for Santa with a mug of something hot. Thanks for joining us again at Winter Wonderland.
Hugs Pascalex

Spyder said...

Lovely card Hazel! Lovely cute bear!

scotspanda said...

fabulous card Hazel, love the decoup image

thanks for joining us on the snowflake challenge at Allsorts this week!


Amanda xxx

Emma (metalicbutterfly) said...

Hi Hazel

I love FF bears and this kit is wonderful I love what you have done with it!!!!!!
Thanks for playing at Allsorts

Emma xxx

Gro said...

Beautiful card, Hazel
Thanks for joining us at Allsorts this week

Rainbow Lady said...