Saturday, 7 February 2009

Its a Miracle. Oh no its Tuna!!!!

OK Jess and Tai are never in the same room. They just live in the same house but avoid each other at all cost, so Jake took this picture at lunch time of them quite close together and not fighting. Its a miracle!!! LOL Jess it the one with her tongue sticking out licking my finger and Tai is at the front munching away on the remains of Jake's tuna for his sandwich. Keep laughing when I see Jessies tongue. What a silly pair.
Hazel xox


Dawn said...

Aww they are so cute - good job my two are sisters and get on!

Lindsay Mason said...

What a great picture! My cat Cherry was a big fish lover too. I used to try to give her nice variety in her menu but she always wanted fish! Lindsay x

Cazz said...

they are beautiful cats hun xxxxxxxxxx

Lorraine A said...

aww what a cute photo :-) as you know I just LOVE cats ( and dogs ) Am having trouble with mine though, think it's cos I have so many , they re spraying everywhere !!! ughughugh on the curtains, hoover, microwave, carpets, on a craft box with my cricut cartridges in ,,,,. i spent the whole day friday washing and steam cleaning everything !! Am trying to put them out more but they cry at the windows for us to let them in again !! They have all been spayed btw !!!

Crafting Queen said...

They are adorable, Tuna works all the time!:-)

Mrs Wonka said...

Ohhhhhh they are so cute!

Mrs Wonka x