Friday, 4 July 2014

Inspiration #blogboost

Hi Everyone,
Well today my Ultimate Blog Challenge for July made me think of places I go for Creative Inspiration so I thought I would share a few links with you all for when Mr Mojo vanishes or even when you are looking for a new idea!!! 
Firstly I found Alyce's Kit and Clowder Ning site brilliant. Im doing her colouring Hair and Skin class (If I ever get the time, my days seem to be packed just now!!!) 
I find that if I want to make something a bit different from the norm a wee visit to Splitcoast Stampers is the way forward. Love the easy to follow tutorials over there.
Ive just found another blog with great tutorials HERE!
I also love visiting Laura Carson blog, Her creations blow me away!! I was lucky enough to win one of her bottles she had altered a couple of years back and adore it. 
Please feel free to let me know where you go to gain inspiration too,
Love and Sparkles

My Stick Family from


Shalini said...

Thanks for sharing the links.. And congrats on your win.. Good luck with your classes :)

Visit me @TaleoftwoTomatoes

Unknown said...

This was interesting. I don't usually go to certain sites for inspiration. I am more of a reader than anything else. There are books that I read like "Ask and It is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks and "Developing the Leader Within" by John Maxwell. So I like to read more than anything.

Sue B said...

Thanks for sharing your links Hazel... lately I've been looking on Pinterest for inspiration... but it gets a bit addictive and you end up spending hours looking at all those wonderful creations!!
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Big hugs
Sue xx