Monday 17 October 2011

Couple of Creations from Willow Designs.

Just thought I would share with you another couple of things I did for Sharon over at Willow Designs for her shows on Create and Craft. 
I adore the Walter and Winnie Does Christmas CD.  
I thought I would do something a bit different here and made a place setting for a festive table. So you have the cracker, place setting and napkin ring holder.  
Winnie in her Snowsuit is so cute. What an adorable image. 
Sharon is back on at 2pm with Dean and she will be demoing Promarkers then so I will be watching with a cuppa tea and some choccys!!!


Lisa Jane said...

I watched this morning and heard your name mentioned lol.. and saw some of your projects! Fabulous Hazel!
Have to go out at 2pm.. but will set the recorder
Lisa x

Beryl K said...

Fabulous work Hazel
Beryl x

cotnob said...

I really enjoyed the shows, they were great weren't they, saw your cracker, couldn't quite make out which cards belonged to who but they were all fab.

Joanne said...

I've recorded the 2pm show and will be watching later before bed. Well done Hazel.
Hugs Joanne xx

Claire said...

I am just watching the 2pm show (had to record both as at work), Sharon is just brilliant and you would have never thought it was her first time! Dean was as brilliant as ever too. Your creations are just gorgeous Hazel. Hugs, Claire x

kelly ledder said...

Fantastic Christmas set I NEVER would have thought of creating my own for Christmas but now I am inspired and it looked fab on the show!

Kelly x

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

fab creations hun & it was just fab seeing our thing on TV....
huge hugs shell xx

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I wasn't in bloggy land when you first said you were going to be on TV, but here's a late CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is soooo cool that you got to have your cards on TV, you definitely deserve it!! xoxoxoxoxox

Kim. said...

Wow love your Christmas set and the card is beautiful too. I miss the show but managed to catch up today, it was lovely to see both yours and Shell's items.
Kim xXx