Monday, 7 March 2011

Marbles Mutterings..................

Well Its Monday again so while my Mad Owner is off doing some DIY whatever that is I have taken over the Blog!!!!!! 

So this week I thought I would look at these bottles. The Hazely Person said they had candy in them but I see no sunflower seeds or yummy hammy choccy drops. So think she is fibbing to me again!!! Grrr Nawty Big Peep!!! Gonna bite her fingers for that!!!

Oh look at all this lovely ribbon, you know if I took some she wouldn't notice and my house would be very colourful. Now which one will I take????????????????

You know I think this Didos Hazely Peep will have me jumping through hoops next. Oh wait a minute I am in this picture!!! Hurray I can run off to the Hamster Circus now and be a acrobat!!!! 
To see more of my crafty Pet mates pop over to Crafting Buddies.
Off now as tired running over the keyboard.
Love and Nibbles till Monday
Marble x


Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Oh dear....has my wifey gone a bit mad!!!! You ain't half made my day Marble! You made me chuckle lots you funny little fur ball!! I will get you some hamster treats for when we come see you in just over 5 weeks Whoop whoop!!!!
Huge snuggles Marble & stay away from missus fluffy nicks!!!

LindaS said...

ROFLOL - lovely little Marble - sleep well - I'll will keep smiling, and by the way I think the glasses looks so yummy.

Jill said...

Eek I wouldn't let my pet rabbit or cats anywhere near my stash! Cats are always difficult in my craft room, emptying the bin, pulling off the ribbons etc. Jill x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Oh Marble, leave that ribbon alone. You have made me smile with your antics. Marianne x

Berry said...

Hazel I so wish I could let my little hamster run about like this but he is not very tame and runs off to hide at first opportunity! Hugs rebekah (and multi) xx

Pami said...

:-) Marble just gets cuter every week! Pami x

Gillian said...

Oh Marble, you are soooooo cute... looks to me like lovely crafty candy in those bottles!