Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Oh My Golly Gosh!!!!

Golly Me Rick St Dennis the Artist who's image I used the other day has featured my card on his blog. I am so excited and honoured that he thought it was good enough!!
Pop over for a look HERE!!!
Also here is the post with my card on it. 
Hope you are having a great Wednesday all.


Kirsten Alicia said...

That's fantastic Hazel. I'm not surprised he featured your card, it's gorgeous.

Brenda Brown said...

Yay, yay, yay, happy dance for Hazel and lots of smiles.
Fantastic Haze, you deserve it with all the lovely cards you make, I am so pleased for you.
Woo hoo.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Lisa Jane said...

wowee Hazel.. well done .. i am not surprised- it was fantabulous