Monday, 21 February 2011

I've Taken Over this Blog!!!

Ha Ha Hazel (my Owner) is busy just now so I thought I would show you what I have been up to this week Hamsters Rule!!! I made this card one night when she wasn't looking, I'm better with the Promarkers than her. Hee Hee!!! I like it it's got a cake on it but she (bad owner) doesn't give me things like that!!! Might just bite her fingers to see if she will. 

Look Her and the Boy they call Wee Tom say stand so I do and yippee a sunflower seed falls into my mouth, Ha these human peeps are silly as they think its cute so I keep doing it and behold I get more and more. Yum I loves them!!!

I've been out and about in my ball this week too. Great fun bumping into things!!! I have been in the kitchen and the Black furry Meowy thing has nice smelling food as I always go to smell it. Cant get any though as she doesn't like me and would eat me if I did!! 
If you want to see what some other pets have been doing this week Joanne has a blog dedicated to us. I like her!!! Pop over to see some other wonderful Crafty Buddies!!!

Thanks for dropping by, oops better go as She has finished what she was doing,
 Squeak Squeak for now Marble xoxoxox


Debra said...

Marble is so cute! When you had Marble in the clear container looked like he was practicing to be a mime! LOL. TFS

Louise Emma said...

Awwww Marble you are a fabby blogger! Far better than that Hazel (nut!)

LOL just kiddin Hazel!

He sure is a sweetie tho!

Claire said...

LOL how cute is marble - brilliant! Hugs, Claire x

Lorraine A said...

aww,, sooo cute ,, I have just been colouring one of marble's cousins in ,, they look alike !!! :-)

Lols x x x

Jill said...

Ha ha love it. At this moment in time I am being pawed to bits by one of my cats that insists on sitting on my knee whilst I type! Jill x

Joanne said...

What an amazing crafter Marble is. Not only can she make cards but she can use a computer too. What talent.
Hugs xxxx

Artyjen said...

Have a happy Monday Marble!
Sooo cute
xoxo Sioux

DesignerDiva said...

Your Hamster is better than me!! LOL
Love it!! Laurie x

Brenda Brown said...

Marble you must have a totally mad owner, but I love your style.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Kazabing said...

Hiya Marble,

What a cheeky chappie you are. Looks like you keep your owners on their toes with your antics. Hope you haven't given my two moggies any ideas...

Wiccababe said...

well hello there Marble, I heard a little birdie on Twitter saying you had pinched Hazel's mojo. Better give it back :)

Pami said...

Marble, come and live with me you are FABULOUS!! Pami x

Lucy said...

Marble you are soooo beautiful!! my two (smirnoff and snoopy) have said they would like to come over for a visit! They will bring cake lol....
And spacey can keep the cat amused while they play!

I havent yet thanked you for the i love blog thingy! very sweet of you! Im just getting round to doing it now!
love your blog sweet!
chat soooon!

Laura Tee said...

So cute!

P.S. Have a look on my blog, I have something for you. :)

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you Marble. You are adorable!
Alicia xx

Unknown said...

Hi! I arrived here from a link at Crafting Buddies :)

Marble you are too cute!!

Helen Laurence said...

Ha ha ha!! LOVE this post Marble you made me chuckle x

cebelica said...

There's something for you on my blog :)

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Oh lordy I wish you'd warned me before I read that!! My tummy is killing again from laughing!!!
You have one very clever hamster there hunnie PMSL
loves ya hugs shell xx

Unknown said...

Awww how cute :)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Marble, you are such a clever little hamster. You really have your people well trained to give you your peanuts when you want them. Your card is excellent, just shows what you can achieve with four feet instead of just two hands. Well done!

Emma said...

Lol...Marble is such a cute and clever little hamster. Such a gorgeous card too.
Hugs Emma x