Monday, 14 February 2011

Crafting Buddies.

Joanne has started Crafting Buddies today. The idea is to share our pictures of our pets helping us out with crafty things we have going on!!!

Here is what Joanne says about the Blog. 

"WELCOME to this new blog where only crafting pets roam.
Having been an avid fan of What's on your Workdesk Wednesday for some time, I have noticed how many crafters have little helpers around. With that in mind, I though it may just be nice if we were able to show these 'buddies' off on a blog designed just for them.
However, if like me, you have lost your pal don't worry because I am sure that other 'little friends' may just pop up on occasion, for eg. birds in your garden that you can spy through your workroom window, or maybe a butterfly will find it's way onto your stamp pads. We will all gain pleasure from what I am sure will be, happy photos."

My Crafting Buddy today is Marble who was checking that the box I made earlier was sturdy enough.  She is no ordinary Hamster is our Marble. She is an Escapologist, Cat impersonating Dog type Hamster. She likes to get her ears tickled and when she is in her ball if you call her she will come. So her nickname is just right (Mental Marble!!!) 

The top picture is her checking the join was strong enough.
The middle one is for how small you can get in the box and the last one was her coming out to get her choccy drop I promised her after doing her check!!! LOL

She did have fun and wasn't upset in any way while I was playing with her. 
Pop Over to the blog to join in the fun.  


Clare said...

Oh what a cutie is little Marble!!!. We all need our little friends whilst crafting!. Hugs Clare xxx

ElizabethR said...

She is gorgeous Hazel, and wow how tidy is your desk xxx

Pami said...

OMG Hazel, I want one!!! This is SO CUTE! I thought Marble was a toy one in the first picture!! Really made me smile on a horrible Monday! Pami x

Brenda Brown said...

Marble looks as though she was having fun helping out.
Hope you are having a good Valentine's Day.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Fab said...

She's so cute ! My hermit crabs and guppies can't help me crafting they're too busy being on Facebook playing farmville ! LOL

Flutterby Trina said...

oh she is adorable, we used to have a hamster he was called fluffy (bugger), he was an escapologist! I never forget the night I thought he was a spider and nearly set the hoover on him!!! xxxx

Lindsay Mason said...

Absolutely gorgeous and cute beyond cuteness! Think we all want a Marble now! Lindsay x

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

LOL how cute is that!!! Marble looks so sweet!!
Will have to have snuggles in April hun!
hugs shell xx

Joanne said...

I love love love little Marble. What a pal.
Thanks so much for joining the fun.
hugs xx

pinky said...

She is such a gorgeous colour and looks so darn healthy. A proper little crafter Hazel, but you need to make her a little apron and keep that coat sparkly clean.

Emma said...

Oh such fabulous pics and Marble is so darn cute!!
Hugs Emma x

Helen Laurence said...

LOL!! your post made me chuckle. You could write a book about marble!! funny! hugs x

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Marble is so cute, and so laid back playing in your craft stuff so happily. Look forward to hearing more about her.