Monday 8 November 2010

Polka Doodle Do a Easy Chrimbo!

Morning All. Boy what a windy day here. Its been blowing a gale all night., The rain has just started now too so glad I didn't pop the washing out!
Today this card is for The Polka Doodles Challenge which has the theme of Quick and Easy Christmas Cards. The idea is that you can make them in a few minutes and it wouldn't be too difficult to make a batch of them!
This card is made using Polka Doodles Freebie from a crafty magazine this month. I do love the wee trees.

Talking of mass production. Ex Hubbys Mum asked for some cards (30) So here they are all ready to go to her.

I used a sketch from ages ago and the sentiment is from Doodle Pantry. Didn't take me as long as I thought it would to do them so happy its done and dusted now!
Right off to make another wee batch of cards for a friend. (Will post about it later as they are for a v good cause!!!)


Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Gorgeous 'wee trees' hun lol...That batch of card are fab...wtg you getting them all done!
hugs shell xx
ps loves ya ;0)

Louise Emma said...

Lovely cards Hazel, well done hun x Hugs x

Lisa Jane said...

oh wow Hazel - these are fantastic. I love the little trees .
You have been so busy too lol
Lisa ;)

Enfys said...

Gorgeous Christmas card, super little trees and use of the papers - thanks for joining us over at Polkadoodles this week xx

debby4000 said...

Oh gorgeous card Hazel, beautiful colours and love those trees.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love that set of cards - very CAS and stylish, and I love the trees as well x

lis-m said...

i love these trees...9 sounds like I say that about all the images on the sundae of Seasons cd, ) but I really really do !
Great work doing a whole batch of cards, thanks for sharing with us at polkadoodles !
hugs xx

Vintage Milly said...

These are both great deigns, thanks for joining us for the Polkadoodles challenge this week,

Tracy said...

Gorgeous creation, thanks for joining Polkadoodles challenge, good luck.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Claire Phillips said...

Great project - Thanks for playing along at Polkadoodles this week! Great use of the freebie! Cheers Claire x

Jenny said...

Beautiful quick & simple Christmas creation! Thanks for sharing your project with us at Polka Doodles this week.

Tip Top said...

Lovely Christmas creation! Thanks for entering the Polkadoodle Challenge - hope you can join us again next week!

BondGirl said...

Looks like you have been busy. great use of the free papers.Thanks for joining in the polkadoodle challenge

Colette said...

Lovely simple card, well done on your win over at Polkadoodles.

Jenny said...

Congrats on your win! A much deserved top spot! Thanks so much for taking part in my Quick & easy card challenge over at Polka Doodles.