Wednesday, 20 January 2010


I have seen this happening on Blogs for the last couple of weeks and thought I would join in the trend. WOYWW. Whats on your Workdesk Wednesday, Pop over to the blog to find out more.

SO this is my desk. It is tidy honest!!! LOL My pencils that you can see are ancient. I got them when I did Higher Art at school and that was 18 years ago!!! They still work brilliantly though. The desk tidy on the left has my promarkers and sakura pens in it. The bottom drawer has my scissors and some glues so everything is close to hand. SO there you have it. Happy noseying!!


Pam said...

Great desk, love the hedgehogs and can't quite make out the picture on top of the drawer the colours look fab. Hope to see you next week. Hugs Pam

Annie said...

Hi Hazel. Welcome to the WOYWW gang. We really just love noseying around others spaces and I have to say yours is one of the tidyest I've seen today.
I've had a busy week filling the shelves in a new blog shop. If you fancy a nose please follow the link from my blog and leave us a message in the shop. Thanks.
A x

Anonymous said...

Brilliant pencils, I've never owned any but toured the factory and museum many years ago on a soaking wet day in Keswick! Love your coloured Penny Black images and the cards lined up on the left. Great desk!


SueH said...

Your desk looks ‘well used’ Hazel and I would say you’re up there with the rest of us in the disorganisation stakes.

It’s good to see some new faces joining in the mayhem!


Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Not really messy Hazel :) Love the card with the hedgehog ;)
Anne xx

Ann said...

Welcome to this ever-growing circle of Julia's. Your desk looks far too tidy compared to mine!
Love the hedgehog card.

Kazabing said...

Your desk is a tidy one Hazel. Wish I was as organised as you - then I wouldn't have the "Borrowers" come visiting!!!!. lol


Helen Laurence said...

Cute hedge hog image! I've snooped drunk your coffee & pinched your cutter (cos I need a new one!!)

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

Great desk, not too tidy is a sign of a creative genious! I will have to tidy mine up before I take a piccy, lol! Thanks for sharing hun, xxx

Nicks said...

lovely to have a nose.. thanks for sharing xx

silvercustard said...

love the telly tuby mug :O)