Saturday, 4 April 2009

Very Proud Mum!!!

Wow the postman brought some brilliant post this morning.
Jake has won a creative writing competition.!! It is Creative Writers Poetry Explorers Competition. The letter said they had in excess of 35,000 entries and Jake has won one of the places to be published in the North and East of Scotland Book!!!
He wrote a poem about the second World war.
The amazing thing is Jake has poor motor control in his hands so writing is a big issue for him. He hates it. He tells me today that the Teacher told him to type the Poem as they would not be able to read it. So this is just fantastic. The book is due for publication on June 30Th.
I'm sure he won't mind so here is the poem.
World War II
W ar has been declared.
O ver the world blood has been shed.
R ight now men are dying for the country
L ord what will we do?
D ying for your country will bring you pride.
W itless men are dying for no reason.
A re we dying for no reason?
R oad to war is the biggest but the road out is small.
T orpedoe's hit the ships,
W hy, why?
O ver the war is over.
Isn't it brilliant. The first letters of each sentence spell out world War two. I am amazed as I couldn't write a poem like this.


AliMayes said...

Well done Jake. That's a fantastic poem and so clever to use the letters for the beginnings of lines. I hope we see some more of your poetry some time!
Ali xx

Cazz said...

jake - that is an amazing poem and I too am so very proud of you XXX Big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Joey said...

Hiya Hazel, huge congrats to your son! what a major achievement, his poem is really touching and so beautifully written! I am chuffed for him and you too.

Beryl K said...

No wonder you are proud Hazel. Jake has written a wonderful poem many congratulations to him.
Beryl x

Sue said...

Hi Haze,
Firstly thank you so much for your lovely comment on my card! Secondly what a wonderful poem, you must be so proud of your Son, I would not have thought someone so young could write so emotionally! thank you for shaing this with us. Sue xx

Jill said...

well Done Jake, so pleased for you and mum hugs Jill x

Unknown said...

Hi Hazel, I clicked on your site to view ACF teddy bear entry, couldn't find it, but found the beautiful, hearwarming poem written by your son. He must be a very special person! -Cynthia

pinky said...

What a brilliant piece of writing, you have a little genius there! Keep up the writing Jake.

Faye said...

Congratulations to Jake! That's quite an accomplishment. You have every reason to be proud of him.

Lindsay Mason said...

Hazel, please give Jake a big "well done" from me too. He's obviously a very thoughtful and caring boy and no wonder you're proud of him. Lindsay x

Lorraine A said...

Jake is very talented ! Well done to him, he has obviously inherited the artistc gene's from both parents :-) Am sure the whole sphere of family, friends and school teachers are very proud of him :-)

Very well done Jake x x

coldwaters2 said...

Oh Hazel you and Jake must be so proud and what an awesome poem.

Lorraine x

mueppi said...

Well done, Jake!!!!!!
Your poem is wonderful!
Big hugs Gisela

Just Tracys Crafts said...

Well done Jake fantastic, congratulations. I popped on to leave a comment on Mums Stripe card (which is lovely) but had to say big thumbs up to you too.


Anonymous said...

Thats fab well done to Jake. I couldn't write something like that, I'm all about short dittys!!

Unknown said...

Well done Jake, this is an amazing poem, and so so clever with the first letters spelling out the title. What a wonderful talent you have, congratulations.

Joanne x