Saturday, 18 April 2009

Busy Busy.

Just popping on for a mo to say I haven't stopped crafting, but I am busy with spring cleaning and being a Mummy.
I will be quite glad on Monday as won't have to be in the same room as the boys all the time. Jake has taken to tormenting Tom. Think he is bored of holidays now!!! He seems to go through a cycle with his ADHD and can be either great or a Holy Terror. Guess what I have this week!!! Impulsive, hyper and soooo cheeky!!! Its harder to deal with now too as he is a big boy. So I can't leave them to even watch T.V. So no sneeking up to make a card. I did get a wee while time out last night so made my DT ATC for next weeks Tilda Challenge.
Hope you are all well. Hope to be back with cards on Monday.


Sam said...

Sounds like you've got a lot to deal with there Hazel. I'm looking forward to next week so that my daughter isn't sitting around saying that she's bored when her DS runs out of battery, although she has a room full of colouring books etc.
Never mind eh!
Take care
Sam x

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Hazel glad you could sneek away for a wee while. How do you cope in the Summers hols lol. I finished this months ATC swaps for ATC Swappers in the early hours of this morning and will post them on my blog in a wee while.

Lorraine x

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

Hi Hazel, glad I am not the only one who has bored kids, mine need to go back to school. There are only so much DS and Wii games for them to play, hey! Enjoy some ME time on Monday, I am going too, Heidi xx

Sue said...

Hi Hazel, thanks for your lovely comments, I don't have any kids and I still find it hard to make the cards, take a piccie post it and then try and get around to see all the lovely blogs about!! how do you manage??? sending you some energy from my choccie biccie stash!! Sue xx

Lorraine A said...

Monday's not far away !!! lol

Just breathe :-)

Lorraine x x x

Kazabing said...

Hiya Hazel hunni, never mind, only one more day to go. Kaza. xxx