Sunday, 9 November 2008


OK its gone has anyone seen my mojo. I got up this morning and it had disappeared!!!! Don't know where it has gone but a 3 year old could have done a better job on the card I did for Sketch Saturday so ripped it up and put it in the bin. Hate when I have a blank day, must be cause I am tired, Tom got up at 6am this morning. That's usually Jake's job but as he is away Tom must have taken it over. Roll on bedtime. Gotta watch Strictly though. TOM CHAMBERS TO WIN!!!! Oh well tomorrow is another day. Hazel xoxo


Cazz said...

awww hun, its awful when your mojo goes awol. I think it may have sneaked down to me though as I was on a roll today (and still have some idea's rattling round in my head now lol).

I never loose my marbles though - I know exactly where they are - wrapped up in lilac netting with a nice bow sitting on a top shelf in my craft room LOL

Hope your mojo comes back soon xx

Jill said...

aww Hazel, hope your mojo comes back soon hun take care Jill xx