Thursday, 27 November 2008

Feeling Poorly.

Well I have taken a note of the challenges to do over the last couple of days and I am hopefully going back to bed to think about them as I feel pants. I have to start taking Labetalol the beta blocker as my blood pressure is bordering on high and with family history and my high bp in pregnancy which had me in hospital for a month I was to start it. I have had the meds for about 8 weeks and have had a panic every time I have gone to take it. So on Tues night just bit the bullet and swallowed, then had the biggest panic of my life. So yesterday was sooooo tired and sore form being tense, then couldn't make myself take it last night and cried myself to sleep, then woke at 3 am and decided I was being silly then took it. Panic followed and now I feel crap. Not cause of the pills but due to the stupid panic attacks I am having. The labetalol's main side effect with me will hopefully be getting rid of the anxious feeling all the time so here's hoping.
Jake was sick at school yesterday so he is off and Tom has a swollen eye and Alan is away to the Doctors with him. Argh. We are all falling apart!!! Well hopefully I will get my cards done in the next 24 hours and have them on.
Take Care Hazel xox


Unknown said...

Hope you and your family are all soon feeling better Hazel. Hope you managed to get back to bed and get a good rest. Take Care Joanne x

Joey said...

awwww Hazel hun, wishing you all better real soon. I do hope the tablets will be able to do you a little good and take away the anxiousness. thinking of you hunny.x

Sue said...

Hope you are soon feeling better Hazel, take care. sue.xx

CraftyC said...

Hope you feel better soon Hazel, take care!

Lindsay Mason said...

Hi Hazel, it's the time of year when most of us start to feel low and you're not alone. We said the other day that if we put all the family in a bag and shook them up we still wouldn't get a whole person! Try to rest up and keep positive, you have much to be proud of as you know. Big hug, Lindsay x

Cazz said...

Oh no. I do hope you are feeling better by now hun as I missed this post xxx