Wednesday 28 October 2020

Sketch ... week 2, and also a wee look back!!!!


Morning All,

Welcome back to my wee bit of blogland. Im here with my make for Fezziwigs second week and Im also joining in with the #2020CatLoversHop  This is my 3rd and final make for the Hop. Its been so lovely seeing all the amazing makes and folks kitties over there. Huge Thanks to Janis and all her Sponsors for the amazing work they have put into the hop. I will be over joining in with the other fun for the next 2 days of the hop but no more kitty creations from me this week.

This fortnight over on Fezziwigs I want to see your take on this wee sketch I made. 
I had made another card for this sketch but I didn't like it so decided to do a new one! I really must stop being so hard on myself and my makes!!! 
Card Recipe
5 x 5 Card
Papers Helz Cuppleditch
Stamp - Lindsay Mason Peek a Boo
Coloured with Copics.
My Wee Sewing Machine.
Card Candy

Heres one I made earlier...
22nd November 2008!!! The blog post is here.  I think my style has changed a wee bit and I have now mastered the art of taking pics of my makes!!! LOL

So onto kittys. My wee Harry when he arrived here in March had a few fights with poor Fezziwig the felt Penguin I made as the Mascot for my Fezziwigs Challenge. 
It was only the big penguin who was mauled. The Mummy and Baby are safe and sitting beside Felix's wee memorial area in the living room as he loved them. But didn't try to eat them. 
I looked back to see when I made them and found this adorable picture of my beautiful Felix posing with Fezziwig.
Take Care Everyone and Stay Safe, I will be back on Friday, 

Love and Sparkles,

Hazel xx

Challenges I would like to enter are...
The Holly and the Ivy Challenge - Anything Christmas Goes. 


meg said...

that cat looks full of mischief, perhaps a bit like Harry, lovely pic of Felix

Sandra H said...

So adorable is your card and more adorable are the penguins and adorable 🐱 x

Crafting Queen said...

Love your kitty card and your colouring is amazing. Your Felix looked like a lovely boy. Bet Harry is keeping you entertained. lol x

Jane Willis said...

What a beautiful card with a lovely stamp. Great use of the sketch too.

Bunny said...

Adorable kitty cards. Love the story about the Felt penguins. Those never know what they're going to get into. [Bunny]

Suzanne H said...

Super cute stamp and card. I need to take better pictures of my cards. Last week the card looked terrible and it really wasn't so bad in real life. Glad two of the penguins survived!

cotnob said...

A fabulous card Hazel, such a cute image and great papers, I think we are always our worst critics!
Such a lovely photograph of Felix with Fezziwig.
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

Margreet said...

Your 'new' kitty card is amazing and I noticed that your style has changed (and I like it).
Lovely pic of Felix with his Fezziwig.
xxx Margreet

mixamatoasties said...

Love this. He looks like he's planning something!


Twórcze pasje Danki said...

Beautiful card. I love your image.

NanaConnie said...

What a delightful photo of Felix, Hazel, and I love the penguins! Great card; love your pap0er choices and the stitching is great. I have yet to master anything other than faux stitching on cards. lol

Jackie T said...

Hi your cards are gorgeous. That is a lovely stamp. I made those penguins too. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Michele K. Henderson said...

I just LOVE the coloring on that little Christmas kitty! So bright and vivid! LOVE!
Warm Hugs,

Becca Yahrling said...

Your coloring of kitty is sooooo purrrrrfectly beautiful. What a gorgeous card. So is your sweet kitty! Hope he's getting along with the penguins now. lol

Rachelle Oltean said...

OMGoodness! What a great image! He's so cute with that sparkly trimmed hat! This is a wonderful sketch!
Hugs - Rachelle : )

LeslieT said...

I absolutely love your cat design! So happy to participate with you in the Cat Lovers Hop this year!
Love To Scrap 2

Cindy Holmes said...

Your cards are just so precious! I love to see creations with wooden stamps!

mandysea said...

Oh wow! Your colouring and shading is extraordinary! Those little penguins are just adorable!! My heart goes to you with Felix, I know how you feel. That is just the most beautiful photo. Thank goodness we take photos from time to time. Happy hopping with Cat Lovers!

Beverly S. said...

That peek-a-boo stamp image is the way you used it!

GerJanne said...

Wow, your coloring is fantastic.. And the penguins are so curte. Felix is in love, I think.

Vivian Foo said...

Love how you color your cat.

Dina said...

What a sweet sweet kitty! And I love the penguins you made! You are such a talented crafter!

Fikreta said...

amazing card!
kitty is so cute!

Tammy said...

Awww what a sweet card and image, gorgeous coloring of the fur and the love the papers! Adorable picture of Felix too.
Hugs, Tammy

Carole J said...

The Christmas hat cat stamp is gorgeous and I love the way you coloured it, Hazel! The background is super cool too - love the stitching detail. All in all a fabulous card :) xx

KT Fit Kitty said...

Felix was a handsome boy - thanks for posting a photo with Fezziwig. Your card is adorable - the kitty stamp is precious! I like your sketch too - I don't think I've played at your challenge yet so I will check it out. Thanks for inspiring!

Mary-Anne V said...

Your coloring is beautiful on this little Christmas Kitty cat.

Leigh S-B - The Sharpie Domino Queen said...

FURRtastic kitty cat makes! Felix is a beauty <3
Happy Creating & Stay Safe!

Karenladd said...

What a sweet and festive card, and I am just loving your stories about cats and felt penguins. Your coloring technique is wonderfully dimensional, and that cat is certainly on the Good list for Santa!

Kathi said...

Fabulous holiday card. Fun to see an earlier card with the same stamp.

Your real cat is gorgeous.

Catnip and Kitty Whiskers said...

What a gorgeous pic of your Felix! It is funny how they like certain stuffed critters. My Chi Chi loved her Thomas O' Maley cat when we had her. She loved to smack him off the entertainment center every chance she got.
Your cards are awesome! Great job on your coloring,and I like the papers and how you stitched them on the first card, and the second card is very pretty also. ADORE the penguins you made too; they are super cute! Give that Harry some pets for me.

Roberta Stevenson said...

Your card looks amazing and your cat is gorgeous. Maybe he thought his little friend was related because it has the same black and white markings. LOL! I'm sure you have a lot of fun with Felix.

Sue D said...

So cute--love your coloring.

Denise Bryant said...

The penguins are adorable, and you have a sweet pic of Felix. Love the adorable cards you created!

Janis said...

Oh, Hazel...I am touched by this sweet picture of Felix with Fezziwig. What a lovely kitty. His coat looks so soft and luxurious!! I know the bittersweetness of sharing photos of kitties we have lost. So I am sending hugs to you.

I love your cards. Your style has changed over the years but the earlier one is lovely as is the newer one. I adore this kitty image and the way you have colored this new one you are showing us today. Such lovely detailing of the stripes and fur trim on his Santa hat!

I am slowly visiting all of the projects...and I enjoy lingering at each one. I do not want to miss a thing!! Thank you so much for joining in the feline fun at our #2020CatLoversHop.
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com