Friday, 16 May 2014

Can a Mum Burst with Pride???

Oh My Goodness I nearly did last night!!!! 
It was Parents Night at The Boys Brigade here in Arbroath. 
 Jake my eldest son received his Queens Badge which is the highest Award you can receive in the Boys Brigade. Its a 2 year course with 2 visits to BB Headquarters here in Scotland at the Beginning and End. He had to also do lots of Voluntary Service. He did 30 Hours helping with  the Anchor Boys (P1 to 3). 30 Hours helping as Stage Crew in the Local Theatre. He also had to learn skills. Jake Learned and got an SVQ in Motor Vehicle Care. Finally for his physical he got his handicap at golf and also played for the Local Junior Artisans. SO all in all a HUGE amount of work and a HUGE achievement for Jake. Over the last couple of years things really haven't been easy for him with other things but he stuck in and was determined to get this badge. To say Im the Proudest Mum is an understatement.
To make a teary night even more so Tom received The Marshall Shield for the Best Boy in the Junior Section. He also received a special prize as he did the best poster for a competition for the Commonwealth Games. (He did get to use my pens for his colouring!!!) 
To top it off I actually managed to be there to see it all. With my Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia I havent managed Parents Night the last few years but I did yesterday. Today im exhausted but with a huge grin on my wee face!! 
Love and Sparkles
Hazel xx
My Stick Family from



Congratulations to you and your lovely boys Hazel - what amazing achievements. It must have been a very emotional evening for you, but in the most wonderful way!
Hugs, Sylvia xx

Janice said...

Well done to you all, sounds like you all achieved something. Jake certainly did work hard for his award and Tom looks like he's following in his brothers footsteps! Well done you in making it out to see them both, I'll bet ur exhausted, and will be even more so after your 21 mins! Thanks for joining me, Jx

Wendy L said...

Well done, and well done to you too for going, xxx

Judith said...

Aw big congratulations hugs to you - and well done to both your boys. It really is the proudest moment when your babies achieve - and it's achievement for you to have raised two lovely kids hugs Judith x

Jo said...

Aw, congrats you you & your handsome boys, hun, bet there were lots of happy & proud tears shed!
hugs Jo x

Margreet said...

Congrats and both your boys, Hazel and you may be proud on yourself too, having managed to attend all.
Enjoy your weekend!
xxx Margreet

DonnaMundinger said...

A huge congrats to both your fabulous sons. I'll bet they were bursting with joy that you were able to see them receive their awards. Well done, all of you! xxD

mixamatoasties said...

I am bursting with pride for you! I hope one day to be that Mum when my boys are Queen's Men.


cotnob said...

Huge congratulations to both of your boys Hazel, such a wonderful achievement. I'm not surprised that you are bursting with pride and well done to you for being there, I'm sure it made it all the more special for them.

Pamela said...

Well done boys! I've 'watched' you grow up through the posts of Mum's blog and you've both done really well. Well done too Hazel for making it to the event. A family who should all feel very proud of each other.

Sheona said...

So glad you were able to be there Hazel. Andrew and Gavin said it was a good night and you are quite right to be proud of your two lovely boys. Sheona

Sandra H said...

Oh you must be so proud Hazel well done xx

Sue B said...

Oh Wow… you must be so proud Hazel… I know how high the Queen's Badge award is and you have to do loads of stuff to earn it. Well done to Jake! and also well done to Tom… he has done really well !! no wonder you were teary… I would have been too!
You did really well going to the Ceremony too… I'm well proud of you!! :-))
Love Sue xx