Monday, 21 January 2013

Kenny K Kandy Winner.

Yooo Hoo!!! My Winner hasn't been in touch for her prize from the Kenny K Kandy I had on offer .So Im giving it another shoutout. (maybe shes been busy or on a wee blog break) If she doesnt claim the prize by Saturday 26 January I will redraw it on Sunday with my Kenny K DT post.

So the Winner is 

 Tonya Hopkins thats You!!!!
 Congratulations xx
Can you email me at and I will arrange for your stamp to be sent out to you.

My Stick Family from


Tonya said...

I'm here, I'm here!! Thanks for giving another shout out, Hazel. Life has been crazy lately. Thank you so much for the awesome prize! :) Off to claim it.

Sandra H said...

Oh l'm glad you have come forward congratulations and enjoy your candy xx