Sunday, 6 January 2013

Kenny K - Anything Goes.

Its my First week on the Kenny K Krafty Krew Team. The theme this week is for Team A (Im on the other one!!) is Anything Goes.
This weeks first sponsor is Kenny K's Downloads

The prize from Kenny is the winner's choice of 5 digi's.

And our second sponsor this week is 

The prize from Laura is a stamp to the value of $10.00 from her store!
Remember there is still time to pop your name down for the Kenny K Kandy I have. The post is at the top of my blog for it.
Hurray The computer is back!!! Ive had to completely start again so been busy installing and sorting out!!

Hope everyone is well,

Love Hxx

My Stick Family from

1 comment:

Kazabing said...

Hiya Hazel,

Glad your computer is back, know how it feels, you get so used to using it
Catching up with Blogland visits and hoping to visit more in 2013.

Have a good weekend. xx