Saturday, 15 December 2012

Winner Winner!!!!

Evening All. Im here to announce the winner of my 13 ATCs of Christmas.  

I wrote all the names on card. 
 My Helper (Tom in his Onesie)  popped them folded in a mug!
He then picked out his winner which is........

Number 9 Carla.

Congratulations Carla, If you email me your snail mail addy (  I will get the ATCs posted out ASAP for you.

Thanks to Everyone who took part in the Draw,

Love Hazelxox

My Stick Family from


Sandra H said...

Congratulations x

~Lady B~ said...

Congratulations, Carla! You are one lucky gal! Beautiful ATCs, Hazel :)

CarlaKH said...

whoohoo! SoOOO excited! And what a cute little assistant you have there! I will email you shortly.