Sunday, 9 December 2012

9th Day of Creepmas...

So who has their Christmas tress up?? Little Tom and I did ours yesterday so its all lovely and festive in my living room now. Mind you just at the point of putting the lights on my electric died!!! Oops I thought Ive fused everything!!! Then I remembered I hadn't fed the meter money so it was hungry!!! LOL Dopey Mare!!!

 Im sure you don't want a Tree like this! Hes really rather scary!!! Looks like he might eat you!!

He is called Creepmas Tree Monster and is avaliable from Ricks Etsy Store HERE!!

Over the next 13 Days Rick St Dennis is rolling out 26 YES 26 New Images!!! He is rolling out 13 on his Airless Chamber Blog and One a Day on his Design Teams Blogs. None of us know who has a New Image on what Day(Lots of Fun!!)  Now there has to be prizes!!! Rick is going to give a prize to the person each day who finds both the Roll out images for that day first. Now the Person who finds the most images over the 13 days wins them all!!!!

Now this is the Confusing bit.

For The Rick StDennis Blog Hop Here is the Order to Hop In. 

Hazel (Me you are HERE!!)

I'm a CREEP for The 13 Days of CREEPMAS 
I am right between Dee Spooky One and Halloween Short Films
Smeared and Smudged are also doing a Blog Hop on Alternate Days till 23rd December. Pop Over there to join their fun too.  

Finally if your brain hasn't melted yet. I am giving away all 13 ATCS to one lucky person at the end of the Hop!!! Please leave your name on the Linky at the Top of my page to be in with a chance of winning them.  
(Feel Free to become a Follower too as you will need to be to see if you have won) 

Love Hazel x 

My Stick Family from


Rick said...

Great ATC with the tree-great job!!

Lisa Jane said...

Oh lol this is fab. Our electric went off last night and we had alarms going off half the night !!!
Lisa x

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

lol that's the sort of tree I'd love!
Hugs Shell xx

DonnaMundinger said...

Love the sparkly balls and pops of red on your tree. Another FABULOUS ATC. xxD

Sharon Sahl said...

The background on this one is really pretty and the tree is really scary. Another great ATC from you - I can tell you are enjoying the dark side more than you expected!! HoHoHo!

Love crafts forever said...

This image are fun to work. Good job.

~Lady B~ said...

Fab ATC! You have definitely made the tree look creepy!