Friday, 5 October 2012

Le Mysterieux Carnival!!!!

Le Mysterieux Carnival Blog Party

While Walking in the Woods the other week I stumbled upon a Witches Cottage and found a Silver Ticket to Le Mysterieux Carnival.
So thought I would pop on down for a look!!!
There are a few stalls in the Carnvial, Lets take a look and see whats there!!
Oh Look a Witch is flying by, Lotions and Potions in her hand!!
Aqualia The Mermid is on Show. How Many Mermaids do you know?!?!
At the Kissing Booth a Zombie Stripper, Dont think I want to pay for her kisses!!!
Time for some Candy Floss. 
Or Would you like a Toffee Apple.

WOW the Beautiful Gypsy Esmerelda, Cross her palm with Silver and she may tell you whats in the Crystal Ball!
The Scary Go round looks just that, its Monsters look to scary to sit on, Think they may just eat you!!
WOW A Goblin Beauty Parade and Looks like the Winners just been picked, Its Miss Goblin 2012!!! What a Beauty!!!
In the blink of an Eye it was gone so fast, All that remained was some Glitter and Dust!!
I would like to thanks to Anna and Marfi for Hostessing the Carnival and putting so much work into it.
I also want to say the HUGEST THANKS EVER to Rick StDennis for the Wonderful Images he gave me to play with. You are a Star xx You can find Ricks Images in his Etsy Store.
I have a Blog post HERE with all the Info about how I made my Carnival with other Pictures as well. 
Final Pic is of Belle who was very interested in my Fun in the Garden so had to pose for a pic too. She may well be the Giant Dog act in the Carnival.  Bless she got covered in Glitter Daft Woofy Chops!!!
Thanks For dropping by,
Bright Blessings 



Anonymous said...

I just had to giggle at the zombie stripper. Great creativity and performance!Come see whats behind the curtain @

Debi said...

Hazel, I just love your carnival in the woods! I don't think I'd pay to kiss the zombie either xxx so orginal love it! Debi x

would love you to visit my carnival when you get chance

Anonymous said...

love all your cards and carnivals

Rick said...

What a tremendous amount of work you put into this-just brilliant-great job-well done you!

Love crafts forever said...

Oh you are so funny. And you have a Gard (Doggy) in your carnival. Very cool project!!!
Hugs Nat

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun carnival! Now you need a werewolf kissing booth for the ladies! LOL

Creepy Glowbugg said...

Wow! I am totally blown away! Absolutely brilliant! I really enjoyed your tour of the creepy carnival!!

Suzi McKenzie said...

That is so cool, such an awesome carnival, makes me want to take a walk in the woods.
A brilliant way to showcase Rick's wonderful images

DonnaMundinger said...

Absolutely magical, Hazel! love, love, LOVE it! xxD

Sandra H said...

Just absolutely stunning x

Wendy Aspinall said...

lol my fur doggy's are always covered in the faerie dust (glitter) too fabulous carnival ... I had such a fun time
`*.¸.*´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`*. ¸.•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*•
(¸¸¸.•*¨`*•.•´*.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• ♥♥ hugs wendy

Anonymous said...

Very cute, I thought you made the pop ups, your friend is very talented, and so are you!

Monique's art said...

so very awesome, love this specially the scary go round, brilliant

DesignerDiva said...

OMG!!! amazing
Hugs Laurie xx

Laura S Reading said...

This was so good I will have to get another ticket and return for another night's show!

Anonymous said...

So creative, and I love that you added humor too. Love it.
Partying on with the carnival.

Unknown said...

That is super cute! You did spend some time on this! WOW
Newest follower and come follow me and say hi :)

Here is my post

Carmen said...

What a wonderful carnival! I love it! :-) I'll take candy floss AND toffee apples, thank you. :-o

Lisa Jane said...

oh this is fab.. and Belle looked like she had a wonderful time lol
Lisa x

VicR said...

I really must have my fortune told by the lovely Esmerelda..
What a fun and delightful time visiting your carnival!

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Just fab hun, poor belle getting all glittery!
Hugs Shell xx

Poeticthnkr said...

What a lovely carnival! I could not help but smile as I was visiting. :-) You did such a wonderful job!

You can view my version of the carnival here:

Magaly Guerrero said...

I've been enchanted by the Goblin Beauty Pageant. I don't know if anything else will be as beautiful to my eyes again ;-)

Marfi-topia said...

Hazel you're amazing!
I love it all!
Thank you so much for joining in and putting such a wonderful post together!

Angela Reeves said...

So much fun and the zombie stripper had me laughing out loud! Wonderful and creative post :-)


DREAMER said...

Love and giggles to the stripper zombie ......the art work is beautiul and the treats were yummy too,! Back to the party trail.....come by my carnival if you dare ;)
Gypsy Sista

Anonymous said...

This is such fun and so creative - very cleverly done!!

Unknown said...

What a delightfull little garden carnival. Sorry to say I won't be visiting the Zombie kissing booth ;) but I've never seen a mermaid so I will for sure be going there.

Love it!

Anonymous said...

brilliant zombie stripper and goblin beauty contest, very magical!

Fallingladies said...

These are really great, you put on a wonderful show! (So much work)

Victoria said...

Ooh, what a gorgeous post! The zombie stripper made me laugh, and Belle is adorable.

Victoria from Brushstrokes

Wyrd World Miniatures said...

Fantastic carnival especially loved the zombie stripper urrrggg.

Susan said...

Hazel, this is such a GREAT idea!! Wonderful post!
Esmeralda is my star in my booth, please come visit:
Love n light,

Petunia said...

Hazel this is brilliant!! I love your miniature carnival and your art work is wonderful as always. The zombie stripper was too much fun and I just love Esmerelda. Your Belle is adorable! Thank you for sharing and for playing in the haunted woods :)


bobbie said...

I cracked up over the zombie stripper, too! Very fun ~ thank you for the sharing!!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I love your cute booths!!! :D I think I'll pass on the zombie kisses, but riding a dragon carousel might be fun!

Here is my silver ticket for a ride....

Ricki Jill

Sharon Sahl said...

Can't add a lot to the wonderful comments you've gotten except to say that you did a simply amazing job, visualizing this and seeing it through. It's fabulous!!

Ellis said...

Stunning carneval, love all the booths and the different characters! =)
Hugs, Elenor

The French Hutch said...

What a great carnival, loved all your booths although the zombie girl was pretty scary! I had a great time.

The French Hutch

Unknown said...

Wow - how creative! I totally enjoyed this post but I did keep my distance from the zombie stripper!

A Magical Whimsy said...

Love your carnival blog party! The images were fabulous! I am becoming a follower too.
Teresa in California

Judith said...

Wow these are just fab Hazel - you have put such a lot of thought into your little story - its just brill! - as for the zombie stripper she definiely needs to keep her skin on lol xx

Judith said...

Wow these are just fab Hazel - you have put such a lot of thought into your little story - its just brill! - as for the zombie stripper she definiely needs to keep her skin on lol xx

Unknown said...

Loved it Hazel. Such fun!

Wendy said...

Dearest Hazel,
What a fun and kooky carnival. I loved all the booths. The creepy kissing booth was hilarious. And I had to take a ride on the carousel. It was all just too cute.
I am running a little late for my party but I would love for you to visit.

Wishes and Whimsy
Wendy from Wonderland