Saturday, 7 July 2012

No Card,

But some Bunting. Well the story goes, im meant to be tidying the craft corner but I found my bunting I forgot I bought and decided I would get it made. So the Crafty Corner is still needing tidied. Funny how we all put off the mega nightmare tasks!!! 
Here it the bunting now in the kitchen. Only taken 6 months to do it !!Oops!!!
I feel very proud of myself that I actually managed to do it. I even had the iron out. Sadly thought the shock didn't stop the rain!!!
 Finally here's a picture of Belle this morning, I think she thought "Oh no not more rain!!!" Its so heavy!!
Hope you stay safe wherever you are, enjoy your Saturday xx

My Stick Family from


Sue said...

Hiya Hazel,got to say I do not look forward to putting my craft stuff away.
Fab bunting,looks great.
Hugs Sue xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful bunting Hazel, love it a good job! Jo xxx

Sue B said...

Your bunting looks fab Hazel.. well worth the time it took… it's so pretty!!
Aww Belle is so sweet!! it was sunny here earlier but I think the rain clouds are coming over now!! just like in Wimbledon!!
Have a lovely Sunday!!
Love Sue xx

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Awwww Belle is a sweetie, she looks so cute!
Great bunting hun, looks fab!
Hugs Shell xx