Thursday, 5 July 2012

Lets Get Sentimental at MAWTT.

This fortnight the Lovely Debs has chosen the theme on MAWTT.  Yes you read it right, FORTNIGHT. The challenges will run for 2 weeks over the summer time (if I can call it summer)
She has chosen the theme of 
So no images.
New Banner
We are sponsored by Dis Digi Downloads who are offering a great prize for our Winner.

Card Recipe
6 x 6 Card
Embossed Card - Kanban
Sentiment - Computer Generated using Fiolex Girls Font.

Im off now to get the day sorted out. HUGE list of things to do so busy busy time!!!

My Stick Family from


Kim. said...

Beautiful card, love the embossed piece it really makes the card pop.
Kim xXx

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Great card hun, perfectly CAS! love the embossed panel!
Hugs Shell xx

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Hazel.
Sue xx

Lisa Jane said...

LOve the Cas style and the silver - so elegant
Lisa x

Debs said...

Beautiful card Hazel - so classy and elegant.
Love the emboissing and the gorgeous ribbon slider.
Thanks for a fabulous make for my challenge.
Hope you are keeping well.
Take care
Debs xx

Unknown said...

Fab Hazel really stylish! JO xxx

Margreet said...

Gorgeous card, Hazel!
xxx Margreet

Claire said...

A very elegant and simple card - just love it Hazel. Hugs, Claire x

~♥~The Navy Wife~♥~ said...

Hazel this is beautiful and I love the sparkle of the silver!

Judith said...

Love your card Hazel the embossing and silver is gorgeous hugs Judith

Unknown said...

This is lovely Hazel simple but stunning well done Hugs Elaine

Sue B said...

This is So classy and elegant Hazel !! I love the embossing and the silver… and the ribbon… it's a perfect CAS card!
Big Hugs
Sue xx