Monday, 12 March 2012

Blog Candy Winner.

Evening All, Well My Blog Candy went down a treat. I now have over 300 followers too, Thanks for following me and I hope you will stick with me on my crafting journey.

So onto the Winner of the Candy.

I used a Random Number Generator and it picked


Random numbers generated Mar 12 2012 at 20:0:19 by  
Free educational resources for parapsychology, psychical research & mind magic.

So thats You 



Please email me at with your snail mail address and I will get your prize posted out as soon as possible for you.

Thanks to everyone for joining in with my candy


cardsbyann said...

Yippee! Thank you so much Hazel! I'm so excited to get this! I sent you an email. People have been having issues receiving mail from my address as late it seems. If you don't see it, it may have gone to your spam folder. You've really made my day!
-Ann M

Unknown said...

Awww lucky girlie he he :) Congrats xxx