Hello and Welcome to My Witches Tea Party. Big thanks to Anna at Frosted Petunias for hostessing it for us all.
So this is my very first Tea Party. Come in sit down and stay a while.

I wasnt quite sure what to do so I thought well just be me!!
I then decided to show you what I see every day on my journey through life. Love this time of year!!!
It wouldn't be me without some creativity. I love this quote too its perfect.
"Its Never To late to be what you might have been"
Here is my wee Halloween Set Up.
I seem to be a bit of a beach comber and the rocks and pebbles have been gathered up at various visits to the beach. I am blessed to have 2 Holed Stones.
This time of year is my favourite with all the amazing colours that nature brings us. Also that cold nip in the air.
Here are some pictures of the Wonderful Scottish Autumn.
Love how Blue the sky is peeking through the trees.
Nature Paints quite a picture for us in her shades.
Of course when its Sahmain we remember those who have passed over and this year We lost our Dear Marble. I have so many happy memories with Her she was such a sweet wee Hamster. This is one of my favourite piccys of her sitting in the train I made for a Design Team.
I hope you have enjoyed your visit. Thanks for popping by, To Visit the Other Tea Partys Pop Over HERE!
Much Love and Bright Blessings this Sahmain.
Hazel (Didos) xoxox
That was the most beautiful post I have ever read.
Happiness to you always.
Hugs Joanne xx
Absolutely Beautiful Hazel.
LOve to you and your boys
Thank you
Lisa x
What a sweet adorable party! I really enjoyed all of your pictures. Hope you can stop by my tea party and have my enchanted sweets.
Salutations, your creations & pics are wonderful. Marble looks so cute, there is a heaven for our precious fur babies.
This is my favorite time of year when magic is in the air & beautiful black cats are every where. Please fly by my Halloween Party when you can...
Hauntingly Yours,
Lyndy & All My Black Cat Familiars
Princess Diana's Wedding Ring Giveaway & Haunted Halloween Party ~ This is a gorgeous multiple crystal ring & can be used as a Magickal Dowser...
Wow, such a lovely post. I had a wonderful time. Your photos were so wonderful and I loved your alters. Thank you for sharing it all with me. Please visit my party:
Lovely party!That quote is one of my favorites. What a beautiful picture of the countryside! I'm so sorry about Marble. That's an adorable picture of her.Thank you for visiting my party!
Happy Halloween!
Great tea party, thanks for sahring it.
Zoe x
What a great idea for a tea party... i had a wonderful time...thank you
I had much fun visiting your part of the world. :)
Happy Halloween,
Beautiful autumn pictures! What a lovely time at tea, be sure to stop by my blog for a giveaway!
A beautiful post from the heart. The ones we love never truly leave us. ;)
What a beautiful tea party....thank you for having me.
Thank you for visiting my tea party! I love your candid pics..especially the building on the hill! Scenic~
Happy Halloween :)
Your Dear Mable was adorable, I bet she would have loved playing around your decorations this year (she is probably squeaking as I write).
Your first party? What a jewel. I love the pics of Nature at her best. And that quote its amazingly true. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Happy All Hallow's Eve!
I've got to say you have the cutest Woofy Babe I have laid eyes one! Thanks for sharing a cup of tea with all us witches! Many Blessings ~ EMD
Gorgeous post hunnie, sending ya huge hugs! I remember when we came to stay wivs ya & Marble was sitting up begging....I know you had said about it on the fone & I just laughed thinking you was mad! But she did & she was such a sweetie!!
Love your pics hun, a gorgeous selection of the wonderful Scottishnessess!!
loves ya lots
ya wifey xxx
Blessed Samhain!
I love your little Marble! We had a wonderful hamster, my son's named Waffles...he was such fun, and a regular Houdini!
Your party post is lovely especially the pictures. i do not know anyone who lives in Scotland! so I am now a follower! (though I am a huge Craig Ferguson fan) I hope you came to my party, i have 3 giveaways, there is still time.
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