Monday, 12 September 2011

Crafting Buddy!!!

Hee hee not so much crafting as seeing if theres anything good to chew. Belles baby teeth are starting to fall out so if there is something she can chew to help her teething she just goes for it.  
This was taken tonight as I looked over at my craft desk, cheeky wee imp. She has just learned how to jump up on the craft chair today!!! Oh no nothing is safe now. 
Pop Over to see Joannes other Crafting Buddies HERE!


Lisa Jane said...

OH Hazel.. she is adorable.. even if she does chew everything lol
Lisa x

Claire said...

Brilliant pic Hazel - not sure I'd be too happy her looking at my crafty stash LOL. Hugs, Claire x

Lynne in NI said...

Too cute! She'll be getting inky paws now!

Paula said...

Aww she's so gorgeous, looks like she's a budding crafter as well "ahem" ;)) Paula

Claire said...

Lol what a fab photo Hazel, Belle is such a little cutie
Claire xx

coldwaters2 said...

Oh Hazel I didn't know that you had a JR she is absolutely beautiful what gorgeous colouring, they are so clever aren't they.
Lorraine x

Helen Laurence said...

ha ha cheeky little pup! Love it!

Joanne said...

Can't believe how much she's grown. She looks very interested in your stash, I bet she will be helping to make cards in no time!!!!
Hugs Joanne xxx