Friday, 1 July 2011

Its Finally Here!!!

Today is the Day that the New Stamps from Crafty Sentiments are available to buy in-store. If you have been following my cards all week you will know we have been blog hoping and today is the final day of the hop although it remains open till Monday 4th July.
Pop Over to see what the other Girls have made.

My card is sadly not quite finished, time and kids and puppy dogs have got in the way of crafting the last couple of days. It will be posted up soon though.
Love Hazelxox


Karen Tallon said...

I'd love to put these on my christmas cards, they're gorgeous! Well done on making such beautiful cards, they're lovely. xx

Jac’s Playground said...

I know exactly what you mean my card was late as work got in the way! xx

Nikki said...

Sometimes family is much more important then crafting :) hopping along
hugs Nikki