Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Introducing Belle!!!

Hi All, Well Look who is here. Its Baby Belle (no cheesy jokes please!!) 
She is a 6 week old Jack Russell puppy who has come to live with me and my boys.  
 How cute is she and so good. She goes for wee wees everytime I put her out for one already!!!

 Hee Hee she is going out in the cat vet box just now as too wee to be sitting nice in the car.
 She loves the boys and they are already in love with her too. Although Tom says he will NOT be picking up any poo!!!  
I am off to convince myself that I should be making a card or 2 and not having cuddles.                                 



Lisa Jane said...

Helloooo Belle ... you are absoloutely gorgeous .. and hope to be seeing a lot more of you lol
I dont think you will be crafting today lol.. just cuddling
Lisa x

ElizabethR said...

she is just Gorgeoussss, be warned you will now be crafting with a dog on your knee LOL. Hope you are ok? Love Elizabeth xxx

Jill said...

I think she is definitely more Belle of the ball! She is gorgeous! Jill x

Claire said...

Awwwwww how cute is Belle? Love her - you must post more piccies when you can. Hugs, Claire x

Joanne said...

Oh nooooo! you cannot have Belle 'cos I WANT her. I would love a 'nutter' ie Jack Russell, so named because I adore their lack of fear and the amazing antics they get up to. For me, JRs are simply the BEST doggy for small spaces -such as mine - and motorhome holidays. Send her to me please.
Didn't do crafting buddies this week and will be away next Monday, so I will post Tues. Please, please join in with her.
Big Hugs Joanne xxx

Laura Tee said...

Ooh she's adorable! So, so cute! :) Sorry I haven't been around for a while - Blogger's various comment problems put me off even trying to comment on anyone's blog for ages. Laura xx

Wiccababe said...

awww she's gorgeous Hazel, one bit of advice for you - take loads of photos cos they don't stay puppies for long

Miria said...

She is so lovely, Hazel! I showed the piccies to my hubby and he's in love. Congrats to you and your boys! Hugs, Miria

CraftygasheadZo said...

She is just adorable. So sweet, but can see how she might distract you from crafting! Zo x

Kirsty Wiseman said...

im am utterly in love with Belle - both my daughter (!!) and your poochy. So glad you shared her with me x