Saturday, 28 May 2011

Buzzy Bee......

Nearly said Morning there but time has disappeared as Afternoon All from a Sunny but Windy Arbroath.
Ohh its Saturday and a Bank Holiday weekend. Super. What are you all up too??
I'm still trying to deal with the yuck feeling from Wednesday. Thought it would be easing now but keep thinking about it. (Argh!!!) Thanks to everyone for your kind words yesterday. I had a car accident, a wee lad ran out from behind an ilegally parked card and right onto my bonnet. So not very nice. He just picked himself up thankfully but still scared the hell out of me. Waited in the Police in the School office as if I had left the scene it would have been a hit and run!!! Eack So with raging panic and fear from accident and agoraphobia I managed to stay!!!!Part of my care plan for my agoraphobia is to try and take the boys to school. So this happening while on said school run has really knocked my confidence.
Anyway enough worrys. I will be fine in a couple of days no doubt. I wasn't going to my Nurse next week as its my birthday but am going now! 

Onto the card now. Sorry for my moans.

Card Recipe

5x5 Card
Pink Petticoat Stamp (Free from magazine)
Heat Embossed image
Labels Nesties
Cuttle Bug Embossing Folder (Swirls) 
Kraft Cardstock from stash
Colouriong Medium - Promarkers.

I would like to enter my card into the following few challenges.

Less Is More. - Pick a Square.
Allsorts Challenge - Things With Wings

Hope you have a great Saturday Everyone. My Jake is off to mow the lawn for me and I am going to chill out. 
Oh Before I go just a wee reminder of Crafty Sentiments Discount over the weekend and also FREE P and P so pop over and grab a bargain!!!!

Love and Cuddle and thanks for listening
Hazelx o


Vicky Hayes said...

OMG Hazel - what an awful thing to happen to anyone but it must have been a hundred times worse for you. Well done for managing to hang on and thank goodness the lad wasn't hurt.

Your card is so sweet - love the cute bee! Vx

Claire said...

Oh Hazel, no wonder you feel like you do, that is an awlful thing to happen to you and in fact anyone. Luckily the boy was OK and so you will be too. Big Hugs. Your card is absolutely fab, love that buzzy bee. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Claire x

Joanne said...

Now then you, just keep your chin up. The lad is ok and you must be positive. Enjoy your birthday - I've sent a card so hope it arrives in time.
Big Hugs
Joanne xxxx

Mandi said...

Oh that was a shock Hazel, scary Glad the lad is ok and you can put it behind youo
Your card is super cute, Super job!
Thank you
Diva LIM mandi
Less is More

nicky said...

very sweet card

Diane said...

Super super this bumble bee!!

Jill said...

Oooh Hazel, what a horrible thing to happen but well done to you for dealing with it even though it must have been traumatic. Jill x

CraftyC said...

Must have a terrible experience and hope alls ok now. Your card is very sweet. Thanks for taking part in this weeks CES Challenge

Unknown said...

Hi Hazel, o wow I am so sorry to hear about your accident, that must have been awful... but thank God nobody got hurt. And hey your card is so sweet, love the simple style xxx

Kathyk said...

This is super cute, such a fab image


Tara Cardwell said...

I do hope the car incident doesn't knock your confidence - it must have been truely awful but really well done on staying at the school and resisting the urge to run home. I love your card and that bee is so cute :-D

Linda said...

Crikey, Hazel! Glad the boy is OK! What an awful thing to happen! It didn't effect your crafty skills though...this is fab! Such a sweet card!

Hope you feel better soon....


Rita said...

Sorry to hear your news Hazel. However your card is so pretty. Chin up Girl. Hugs Rita xx

Rosemary said...

what a sweet card!

Helene said...

Lovely card - used the stamp on mine. Must get round to posting it. Sorry to hear about the accident but it sounds like everything turned out OK.

Maureen said...

Glad you and the little boy are okay.
Lovely card, well done.

Chris said...

Great card I love the image.. Chris xx

jackiescrafts said...

Oh Hazel that must have been awful for you hun, sending you hugs. So glad the lad was ok and well done for staying and waiting for the police to arrive. I hope it hasn't knocked your confidence too much and that you are able to put it behind you soon

Love your card that bee is cute

Hugs jackie x

Jan said...

Lovely cad xx Jan

Carol Wilde said...

Oh honey bee... so sweet !


Liz McGuire, said...

Oh dear, that must have been dreadful, hope you feel better soon. Love this super cute card.

Liz x

Netty said...

Super cute card Hazel, love it. Annette x

Lorraine A said...

Gorgeous card hazel :-) the image is just sooo cute ! :-)

Poor you having such a nasty experience but thank goodness there were no serious injuries and hopefully you can put it behind you ,,, xx

Lols x x x

Pami said...

Cute card Hazel, hope you are ok honey. Pami x

Kathleen said...

Gosh Hazel how aweful for you. Hope you get back to normal asap.

Great card, cute image.

Kath x

Daisychain said...

What an awful experiance for you, glad you and the boy are unhurt. It would knock anyone's confidence but that will pass in time.

Love the cute card too.

Have a great birthday.

Hugs Christine x

Hazel said...

Lovely, I've got that stmap but haven't used it yet. Glad that you and the young boy are OK, take care. Hazel x

Tricia Williams said...

Cute and Playful!!! Like it :O) Tricia

Beryl K said...

A lovely card Hazel. So sorry to here about the accident, I am not surprised it has knocked your confident. Take care and have a huge hug
Beryl x

Fleur said...

A great card Hazel, awesome image
Thanks for joining our challenge at ALLSORTS this week, Good Luck
Hugz Fleur xXx

Anonymous said...

I love the bee it's stunning and so beautifully elegant.

Sorry about what happened, it'll take time but I promise you it will ease...big hugs and if you want anything hollar.

Jen said...

Lovely card, hope you feel better soon, the same happened to me, little lad broke his ankle.
jenjoy x

StampingStace said...

Golly - you must have gotten the fright of your life! Glad you and the lad ok, hopefully won't set you back too much :(
Love your buzzy bee - so cute x

Suze Bain said...

What a cute image and beautifully coloured. Can't imagine how awful you must have felt after the accident - stay strong, the wee boy's ok and you weren't to blame. xx

Deborah Frings said...

Sending you hugs - I'm so glad that both you and the young lad are okay. This is an ongoing problem at our local school - I don't understand why people park near school gates! Take care.

Hazel - the card is really sweet - love that bee!

Seafield Jo said...

I'm sorry you've had such a shock Hazel, sending you a big hug.

Your card is gorgeous, love the image which you've coloured beautifully. Jo x

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Great card hunnie! Love the little buzzy he is fab!
Sending ya huge huge huge hugs xxx

Ang C said...

A gorgeous card

Hope you are ok now

Jane (Carroll's Creations) said...

Very cute

Thanks for joining our "Clean & Simple" challenge on SECRET CRAFTER SATURDAY CHALLENGE this week :)

Hugs Jane x

Emma (metalicbutterfly) said...

Blumming Heck Hazel I hope you are ok?

Gorgeous card hun loving the image! I have bees living in my bird nesting box Ill take a pic and post on facebook later :)

Thanks for playing at Allsorts this week

Emma xxx

Lynne said...

Fabby card Hazel.Love that bee. It must have been a terrible shock for you dealt with it. That has to be a positive.
Lynne xxx

Pauline said...

What a horrible thing to happen, but thankfully no-one was hurt, hope you feel better this coming week.

Love your cheery buzzy bee, so sweet x

My name is Wynneth said...

What a horrendous experience for you !! I'm not surprised you still feel yeuk ! Love your cute LIM bee card.

Marlena M. said...

Praise God the boy (and you) are ok! Yikes. More harm on you than anything...I would have been shaking FOR SURE!
As for your card....Awww, so sweet for a bee! This one looks gentle... ;)

Dolly Daydreams said...

Well done to you for facing your ordeal head on I know how terrifying acrophobia can be both of my sisters suffer . Your card is lovely fab colouring and great images.


Susan said...

Oh NO! What a dreadful thing to happen! I know I would have been beside myself! So glad the little fellow was okay! Sending {{{Hugs}}}

Love the little bee card! So cute...and colored so well!
!! My card is HERE

The Crafty Elf said...

This card is just stunning. What a great image!

Chrissie said...

What a dreadful experience Hazel, than goodness the child was OK I hope that you will be fine soon too!
Lovely card!
Thanks so much
Lady LIM
"Less is More"

Curly said...

Oh My Word this is just perfect for our challenge this week fabulous colouring,

Thank You for taking part at Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge: 136 Clean & Simple

Good luck with the challenge,
Hugs Bridget :) x.

Francesca said...

Brilliant card I love the colours and image

This week
