Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Blog Award From Helen.

Im Back with a wee award I just received from Helen one of My Twitter Buddies. 
Now with all awards there are a few things you have to do once you get it. SO here goes. 

So, I now need to mention the person who gave me the award (see above), tell you 7 things about myself, give the award to 7 other bloggers, and let them know they have the award.

1. I am a Mum of 2 boys Jake (14 on Sunday) and Tom (6).  

2. I have struggled with panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and agoraphobia for a few years now, getting slowly better now with lots of support from my friends and family. (Hey what do you get for a hat trick of illnesses!!!LOLOLOLOL) 

3.  I lurve Lady Gaga Music. It makes me wanna dance!

4.  I really like Twitter as you are never alone there. Twitter name is Didosdesigns feel free to follow me if you don't already. 

5. I have not laughed as much ever as I did the week Shell came to stay.

6. I am blessed to have Wonderful Parents. Love them sooo much

7.  I want a Puppy Dog and I want one so much I am willing to sell some of my craft stash so I can get bits and pieces for him/her!!! (Gonna call him/her Scruffy!!!) 

Now onto who to give the award too. 

I decided on Other Twitter Buddies. I do Have ever so many so sorry that I could only pick 7 of you xx

1. Shell My Best Buddy

2. Cazz. Without Whom I wouldn't have made my blog. My Big Sister I dont really have!!!

3. Helen  

4. Joanne  

5. Sharon


7 Gezzyb

Thanks for dropping by my blog
Love Hazelxoxo


Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Oh missus you have made my eyes all leaky! You are one special wifey & I loves ya to bits...you have such a fab little family & I am honoured to be your friend...you make me laff so much, we had such a fab week when we came to stay I can't wait to do it all over again...
I also just wanted to say THANK YOU for helping me throught the last few months...I really haven't been myself since my op, but you have put up with my tears & me moaning on at you, your fab n I loves ya
Ya wifey xxxx

Gez Butterworth said...

Hi Hazel Congrats on your award hunni ♥♥ You are such a special lady & crafter & an inspiration to us all in more ways than you will ever know. I feel honoured to be your Twitter bud.. I only have to switch on to know you are there & I never feel alone whatever the time of day. Thank you for sharing your crafting & your tweets with us..xx

Joanne said...

Ooohh! thank you so very much. Who would ever guess that I would be a Twitter buddy, after all, I'm almost self taught and although I can read the messages and send them, I can't understand most of it. Still getting used to my new(ish) phone, but through my lovely pals, ie you, I am learning fast. You, I think, invented Twittering 'cos you are an expert. Thank you once again Hazel. This is special and I shall blog it as soon as I think up 7 things remotely interesting to say.
Big hugs Joanne xx

Helen Laurence said...

Thank you Hazel. So sorry its taken so long to visit your blog, I hate being poorly sick!
Big hugs x x