Thursday, 7 April 2011

Non Card Post.

 Is it just me or does my house look happier now??? 
The top picture is today with my lovely lavender now planted along with pansies and primroses. 
My poor hedge is still getting over the harsh winter we had. Its just starting to sprout now. All the leaves went brown and fell off with the -10 temperatures we had in December. 
The bottom picture is 13 months ago just at the point of moving in.
Jake did the first cut of the grass for this year today. Argh hope it doesn't encourage it to grow too much!!!LOL
I'm very proud of how its coming on!!! 


Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

WoW!!! well wifey I think you've done a fine job, just lovin it..looks more homely now!!
loves ya hugs shell xx

Lisa Jane said...

It looks fabulous. Well done .. worth all the hard work
Lisa x

Kirsten Alicia said...

It looks great, but I'm sorry to say, the grass will keep growing & growing and growing..... :) :)

Kazabing said...

Looking Good!!! Definately looking a happy home :-) Gonna have to get some gardening tips off you - might even see you on the Beechgrove Garden
Kaza. xxx

ElizabethR said...

Whoohoo that will smell gorgeous when it's got flowers on. Very jealous of all your recycling bins!! We have a black wheelie job and one green box! Hugs Elizabeth xxx

jackiescrafts said...

Your garden is looking lovely and that lavender will smell gorgeous in the summer when it is all in flower
It's definitely looking very happy

Hugs Jackie x

Lori said...

Your house does look happier! Don't you just love lavendar (I planted some Sunday)... Thank you for visiting me!

DesignerDiva said...

It looks happier - weirdly!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow it does look happy! The grass is even greener :D xoxo

Jill said...

Wow Hazel, what a difference! I think a pretty garden gives such a lot of pleasure to yourself and to passers by as well. Jill x

Unknown said...

Beautiful are you sure you don't want to do mine,hehe! JO xxx