Thursday 13 January 2011

MAWTT - Dreams

This week its Brenda who has chosen the theme on MAWTT.

Its Dreams!

We are sponsored by Crafters Companion this week and they are giving our Winner a £10.00 Voucher to use instore there!!! (Thanks Ladies)

Card Recipe

A6 Card
Stamp bought on Ebay but ?? Cant remember the store.
Adirondack Denim Blue ink and Memento Tuxedo Black ink.
Sentiment from stash

I was mesmerised by Barbara Grey (Clarity Stamps) on Sunday again on Create and Craft. Her cards are stunning and so I thought I would have a play to see if I could get the same sort of effect. Behold it worked. I love this card as did one of my friends who has one now winging its way to her as we speak!!!!

Other Challenges I would like to enter with this card.

Papertake Weekly Challenge - Cold and Frosty
Sweet Stampin Challenge - Try Something Different!
Freshly Brewed Blog Challenge - Black White and One Other (Blue)


Lisa Jane said...

I love that wintry scene Hazel... so effective
And a walk through the woods would be much better for you than my Choccie lol
Lisa ;)

Brenda Brown said...

Oh wow Hazel, such a fabulous scene and very dreamy. Love the colours and the whole effect, you have mastered this technique beautifully.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh this is just gorgeous...I love it! Perfect mmmanything else love it, love it, love it! lol
Huge hugs shell xxx

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

Love it hun, colours and effect are fabby! Me xx

Jen said...

This is stunning Hazel, you have done a fab job with the brayering.
hugs Jen x

Claire said...

Stunning card and such a wintery scene - love it. Hugs, Claire x

Pami said...

Hi Hazel, wow I am super impressed. I love watching Barbara when is on as well but there is NO WAY I could do what she does. You have made a fabulous job of this, it looks fantastic. Pami x

An Occasional Genius said...

Beautiful winter scene Hazel, the sky is lovely, so full of depth. Thanks for sharing with us over at the Sweet Stampin challenge x

McCrafty's Cards said...

Wow Hazel, stunning card, love the colours and the whole effect.
Kevin xx

Saskia said...

Beautiful card, so elegant!

Lovely to see your work at Freshly Brewed Challenges! Thanks for joining us and good luck!

Saskia :)

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

Beautiful winters night scene!!! I really love the simplicity but depth to this card.

Thanks for joining us at Freshly Brewed Challenges.

aardvarkpest said...

Gorgeous winter scene.


Unknown said...

Hi Hazel, this is beautiful, love the winter scene you have here. I've never tried this technique before. xxx

Fiona said...

what a lovely winter scene...very pretty. Thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin this week.


Vicky said...

Gorgeous card I sooo love the winter scene it looks beautiful.
Thankyou for joining us at Sweet Stampin', good luck.

Hugs Vicky xx

Jill said...

wow wow wow Hazel this is stunning, love the scene you've created it looks amazing thanks for joining us at PTW hugs Jill xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card. Love it. :-) S x