Tuesday, 10 August 2010

2nd Blogoversary.


Its my second blogovsersary. Well sort of. My first post of nothing was on the 9th August 2008 and my first real post was on the 11th so thought I would use today as the in between date.
Mmm First blog post was this!!!

"Hi, Trying to get the hang of this blogging business. I am cold today as it is very wintery even though it is only August. Makes me in the mood to make some Chrimbo cards. Hurray.
Hazel xox"

LOL Looking at the weather today its just exactly the same again!!
I just really wanted to say a


I don't think I realised how much blogging would change my life all that time ago. I have met so many wonderful people on this journey,including my best friend Heidi. I can't believe I now have 135 followers. I always get comments and love them to bits as they boost me more than you can imagine! My first comment was from Cazz Who introduced me to Blogland. Thanks for opening up this World to me.

Looking back the cards I made to begin with were so basic. I never got any comments and just puddled along talking to myself. (No change there!LOL)

Thanks for sticking by me through the rough and smooth.
Here's to the next ........... years!!!!!!!!!!


pinky said...

Congratulations Hazel and what a lovely way to celebrate! Here's to lots more blogoversaries.

Joanne said...

Happy 2nd blogirthday Hazel. I have to completely agree with you about blogging changing your life. I love every minute of it and, like you say, the friendships keep growing.
Luv Joanne xx

Daisychain said...

Happy blogoversary Hazel! Looking forward to seeing what you create in the next year. Hope all is well, it's raining way down here in the South again. Hugs Christine x

Kazabing said...

Happy Blogoversary to you!!!! It is always a joy to pop on and visit to see what you and the boys have been up to!! Hip-Hip to many more.

Lisa Jane said...

wowee Hazel... Congratulations .. and i was lucky enough to meet you too ..heres to the next year and even more followers and friends
Lsia ;)

Lindsay Mason said...

Two years of blogging and I bet it feels more like two months! What a great way to look back and see how much you have blossomed in every way. Long may it continue! Lindsay x x

jackiescrafts said...

Happy Blogaversary Hazel
Congratulations on 2 years, here's to many more

Hugs Jackie x

Nicki said...

Congratulations hun, Happy 2nd Blogoversary. Mine is on 12th August - we started our blogs within days of each other and ended up on the MAWTT dt together, how crazy is that?

Big hugs, Nicki, xx

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

WOWEEEEEEE TWO YEARS! Well what did I do before I met you??? Blogging has changed my life too, I have found a lovely friend who 'gets me', does that sound corny? yep probably! Thanks for all of the fun hours we have spent chatting and laughing, you are a truely special friend and I am so grateful to have you in my life, I will be up to see you very soon, xxxxx

The twins mum said...

CONGRATS! Lets hope there are many more to follow. I will have a glass, ok two glasses of wine to celebrate. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY.

Esme said...

Congratulations on the blogaversary Hazel!!!
I know what you mean about blogging changing your life too!! It's like a whole new world of people and inspiration that just didn't exist before!!
Here's to many more happy blogging years!!

Esme xx

Annie said...

congratulations on your blogging anniversary Hazel!
hugs, annie x