Wednesday 16 June 2010

Its a Long one! (WOYWW)

Ok Ok I was so organised last night and took my WOYWW picture for today but then got up and have felt kinda ill all day so haven't been near the computer. Here is my desk. Mmm not a lot going on here as Mrs Fluffy Bum is sat on it looking like the Queen!!! LOL What is Jess like!
The syringe is for my pinflair glue which I cannot live without. I hate the smell of silicone glue and so this is like heaven to me cause it does the same but is non smelly!
Lots of tidying up to be done with bits of paper. A hamster would love it here!!! Well apart from Jess!
I have missed the last 2 weeks. Sorry!!!!!The first week we were having huge issues here.
My Jake has ADHD and sometimes its very hard work being Mummy! Then last week when I went to take my picture I found out the camera was broken. Sure it was shock by how bad the desk was then!LOL
If you would like to take part in WOYWW then pop over to Julia the Hostess's blog and join in the fun.

Next is the card I had made yesterday. The stamp is my new one from my Fabby Wonderful Blog Buddy Heidi. She gave it to me for my Birthday the other week. Thanks again xoxo
This card is for 2 challenges
The Burtonesque Dolls - Creepy Birthday To you
Sweet Stampin Challenge - Doodles
  • 6 x 6 Card
  • Stampoutique Stamp (Coloured with Promarkers)
  • SU Papers
  • Prima Flowers and peel off from stash.

Finally (See told you it was a long one!!!) I just wanted to say congratulations to Lindsay on her wonderful TSV over on QVC UK today. WOW it was a stunning kit and has sold out So well Done to you. I did wonder why you hadn't been blogging so much!!!

Off now to cuddle into Tom as I still am not fully better so a good nites kip is just the job for me.

Take Care and thanks so much for your lovely comments.


Foil Play said...

Beautiful card, Hazel - and Jess looks very settled on your desk :-D

Hope you feel much better soon!

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

Hello hun, so glad you joined in this week, lovely piccy of Jess or Fluffy Bum, just love her!

So glad you loved your stamp, soz it was late, but worth it in the end coz your card is F A B U L O U S!!! Love the little papers you have used with it, they all go together so well.

Have a good sleep and feel better tommorrow, big huggles Me xxx

Annie said...

You've been missed :-)
Hope you feel much better very soon.
A x

Anonymous said...

aww I hope you are feeling much better now : )
my Kitten usually eats my cello bags if i leave her in the craft room lol
Love the colour combo and the layout of your card

thanks for joining us for a Sweet Stampin Challenge, hope you had
fun : )
love emma xxx

Nicki said...

Gorgeous card Hazel, perfect for the Dolls challenge, I love how you've coloured her.

Nicki, xx

Julia Dunnit said...

With or without a son with ADHD, I think you're amazing to find any time at all - I mean two young boys is a lot of work! Love the card you've made, hope you feel a bit more on top tomorrow.

Helen said...

Beautiful card, hope you feel better soon.

Tracy Evans said...

Great card, I love this image. Lovely colours too. Hope you are feeling better soon, Tracy Evans x

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hope things have been a bit better this week. I think the cat is just keeping an eye on things for you ;-) Gorgeous card
Anne xx

Sid said...

get better quick ! and love your pics.

Nicole Wright Designs said...

This is really creey great! I LOVE that paper and have a pack myself. I don't know about you but I treasure it since I can't get it anymore. Thanks for joining the Dolls this week for our Creepy Birthday project.

Eulanda said...

Hazel this is so cute! I love those Stampotique images. I have 2 of them myself. They are so quirky and fun! I like how you have faux stitched some of the edges of your layers. Very cute! Thanks for joining us dolls at TBD challenge this week!!

Anonymous said...

aww what a cute little kitty!! I think I'd have to give my Giada a swift kick in the bum if I found her on my desk! LOL! Hope you feel better dear, hugs!

Kellie said...

Naaaw look at that cute kitty wanting to watch you craft! Why do they always like our desks right on our work?! Keeping it warm for ideas maybe hehehe!? Your card is STUNNING! I must admit I was shown this image a month or so back and think she ROCKS and you done a fabulous job with her!
Hugs Kel x
Tickled Pink Stamps

Anonymous said...

Hi Hazel, hope you are feeling better today hunny. I didn't know you had a Jess too!! She looks just as nosey as mine! Loving your desk and that card. That stamp is one of my favourite Stampotique ones! Lindsay did really well didn't she, I'm so pleased for her. Catch up soon, take care. Much love S xxx

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

oh mrs fluffy bum looks like a proper sweetie...
Gorgeous card those papers they go just perfect with the image its just yummy...

hope your feeling better today huge hugs shell xx

Spyder said...

aw, hope you feel better by now, as I'm sooo late,I started at the end which is now the middle and worked my way round! Lovely messy desk and Mrs fluffy bum looks sooo sweet!

Sunshine Girl said...

Love the clutter and the cat on your desk! Card is fabulous.

Siobhan Brignull said...

Jess looks very comfy on your desk which looks great, love your card with your birthday stamp werent you lucky, managed to miss qvc even though on hols this week only realised really late so missed seeing tsv, grrrrr

Lorraine A said...

hope you're feeling better Hazel xx ,,, Love jess sitting on your desk LOL ,,, soo cute :-)

gorgeous card too ,, I have a few of these stamps but never seem to have the time to ink them :-(

Lols x x

Andrea C said...

ooo she is very creepy but certainly very cool, great card and your desk is not that messy haha unless the cat is sitting on top of the mess! xx

Julie said...

Isn't it funny where animals decide to park themselves!! Love your stampothique card - such fabulously quirky images! Juliexx

Debbie said...

Very cute ... thanks for sharing with us this week at SSCB :)

Unknown said...

love the kitty sitting there, so funny, hope things have settled down at home for you xx

Sew This N That said...

Beautiful card hun :0)
*hugs* Heather x

Alison Horne said...

Life wouldn't be the same without a big fluffy bum sat on your expensive papers would it! love the stampotique card, proves people wrong who are sniffy about using the occasional peel off. ta for sharing.x