Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Thanks Georgia xo

Ah look what Georgia just gave me. How sweet. Thanks so much. Please pop over to her blog and check out her cards. they are brill and she is only 10!!!!
I would love to give this award to my fellow DT Mates over on MAWTT cause its been a bad couple of weeks for all of us outwith blogland! :-( Real life causes some huge stressors at times but we are a wee bunch who help each other through!
Love Hazelxoxo


Georgia said...

Well done Hazel!
Your blog is lovely and you deserve it!

Love and Hugs
Georgia :)

Cazz said...

well done xxxx

Love the new look webpage too - very funky. May have to give mine a revamp soon - looking a bit dated now xx Hope you are well, take care xx