Wednesday, 27 January 2010


Well its Wednesday again so here is my Desk...... Yeah I know its tidy again so I thought I would show you the rest of the crafty space....
See I am not the tidy peep you thought I was!!!!
The drawer has been out of the chest for ages as it is so full of paper that when you lift it the bottom falls out!!!!
Can you see my wee Baby. Yeah my new Cuttlebug is on the left at the top!! Just behind that is a bookmark Jake made at school. All the boxes and files have stuff in them. From papers to stamps to inkpads. So see I am not as tidy as you all thought!
Happy Looking!!!


Unknown said...

WOW - you have a PINK cuttlebug - jealous!!! Its amazing how us crafters get in such a mess isn't it? Same mess for one card as for 100 cards - what's that all about??? Hope you pop by mine later for a look... Mine is relatively tidy this time as I've not been sleeping or at work so have been able to put things away at the end of each day (within reason) You have a lovely big room to craft in though. How lucky is that.

Paula x x x

Unknown said...

You are far too honest ... you could have stopped at the desk ... that pile of folders looks like it could do some serious damage if it fell *LOL* I am rather glad you did n't though ... Thank you for sharing X

Nicks said...

still looks tidy to me!

Rosie said...

That's an interesting view - I might have been impressed by the tidy desk otherwise! Never thought of folders to store things in, or their alternative use as a construction set! What exactly are you building there???

Joanne said...

I bet you will be more tidy once you get your 'proper' house. My stash is in my craft room, kitchen, bedroom and now, the motorhome!!!!! xx

Unknown said...

Hi Hazel - I missed QVC last week - was at hospital having CT scan and bronshoscopy :O( - I would have kicked myself anyway had I seen the pink cuttlebug cos only had mine just after christmas... however, did only pay £54(ish) for it. Easypay is great isn't it but VERY tempting!!!

Paula x x x

Susie Sugar said...

Wow all those files Hazel you are organized I should take a tip from you and sort myself out
your floors not that bad you wanna see mine you don't believe me !!! Thanks for sharing
Hugs Susie

Julia Dunnit said...

Great view Hazel...still not sure you qualify as untidy though..your desk is still very neat!! I'm with Linda too - one of my thoughts was the potential falling disaster of the files - not from a harm point of view you understand..thinkof the damage to the stash!! How funny! Love your WOYWW!

Unknown said...

Hi believe me you are tidy you should see mine Christine x

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

It's all very tidy at least the files are neatly stacked. the only untidy bit is the 'fall-out-bottom drawer' ;)
Anne xx

Deanne said...

omgoodness!!! i struggled to search for a cuttlebug until i noticed it in PINK!!!!!!!!! noooooooooo i want one now but i have a green one.
great space and the messy way is the best way :)

NormaJean said...

Love It!! when my craft table is clean thats the way the rest of my room looks...its great!!
hugs norma

Karen said...

Awe lucky girl...a new toy to play with!!!! But it all looks so organised Hazel and watch those folders on your head! X

Pam said...

You lulled us into a false sense of security with your tidy desk, Mine is not half as tidy as yours.
Hugs Pam x

Annie said...

Wouldn't want to be under all those files if they fell :-) Timberrrrrrrrrr
If you haven't been over to look yet we have a Gift Draw going on over in our new shop so please pop over and join in. Good luck.
A x

Chrissie said...

I'd like to know what a Pink Cuttlebug does that a green one doesn't... apart from look beautiful!
I took the plunge and showed a bit more of my space today!


Kaz said...

I love the reason why your drawer is on the floor! It really isn't that messy at all, mine is much worse! xx

Kay said...

Oooh, love the pink bug!

Nikki said...

I think it's Great and love the folders .. we could build a fort with all of those. :)
Hugs Nikki