Monday, 21 September 2009

Fabs Big Christmas Card Challenge.

Cosy Christmas Scene!

Over on Fabs Challenge this week we had to make a Cosy Scene so what could be cosier than sitting at the fire on Christmas Day after a big huge roast dinner opening your pressies and having fun with the family!!! Of course that's just a fairytale as being Mum I am usually tied to the kitchen sink doing all the dishes. LOL
A6 Card
Kanban Concept Card kit form last year
Gold Candy from Craftwork Cards
Right off to get on with the evening, Tom is looking for his hot Chocolate now so best go and get him cosied in for the night. I have just brought his Sunflower in from the garden as it is very windy here and it is just started to flower so would be a shame for it to break now. Its about 5 foot! Will pop a couple of pictures on in a few days once they flower is out totally!
Nighty night Hazelxox


coldwaters2 said...

I agree Hazel it is a very lovely cosy Christmas scene one that I would love to be able to experience but with radiators there is no chance lol.

Lorraine x

Fab said...

Very cosy ! Love that card, Hazel. XXXX Fab

Anonymous said...

This is my dreams on christmas, to look something like your card on chrissie day,
(come back down to earth)lol..
me too tied to the kitchen
Just a very outstanding card...
Hugs Angel

Unknown said...

Love the card Hazel, makes me almost wish that Xmas was here....LOL. Hugs Avril xxx