Thursday, 5 March 2009

ATC Swaps for this month.

At last I seem to have been ages getting these finished. The top 2 are for Sharon Duncan's Forum. Cazz gave us the theme of Initially Yours where you had to make the ATC with something beginning with your first initial. So I have a Happy Hedgehog blowing heart bubbles and a Heirloom handbag with holly background!!!

These 4 are for the ATC Swappers which has the theme of "Patriotism" this month. To find out more or to join see my side bar for the link. So In true Scottish style I have tartan on it all. There is thistles, a wee kilt, a wee scottie dog and the bottom on is the first verse of our very own Bards poem To a Mouse which is my Favourite Rabbie Burns poem. Had to have some Burns in it since it is his 250th birthday this year and we are celebrating Homecoming Scotland!!

OK no more posts today as the battery has just died on the camera. So off to make a Christmas Card, yes you heard right for Fabs Big Christmas Card Challenge. Its his birthday tomorrow so Happy Birthday Fab.
TTFN Hazelxox


Beryl K said...

They are amazing Hazel, I love them all
Beryl x

CraftyC said...

A lovely collection of cards and ATC's Hazel!

Lorraine A said...

Oooh you've been busy !! :-) They re all lovely ( can't think of a word begining with 'H' err nope sorry ) :-)

I see you're already a follower of the simon says challenge blog :-) am hoping to get it up n running soon, not as easy as I thought !! but watch that space blog candy coming soon :-)

Cazz said...

I just love all of them hun xxxx